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Quick Look Course Summary:Stress Management Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type:Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Course Introduction
Stressing about anything and everything? Then it’s time to understand your stress and get it under control with our Stress Management course. The course is intended for anyone who is under stress and wants to learn the skills to reduce stress. We will teach participants what stress is and what it is not, we will discuss bad stress and good stress or eustress. At the end of the course participants will have learned several ways to deal with stress effectively and ways to reduce stress. We would however like to add that it is never a bad thing to seek professional help when it comes to mental and emotional issues.
Course Outline
1. Understanding Stress
The Effects of Stress on Emotional Health
Recognising Stress and Triggers
Testing your Stress Levels
Identifying Behaviour Patterns
The Three Stages of Stress
Identifying the Symptoms of Stress
The Physical Effect of Stress
Keeping Adrenaline in Check
Workplace Stress
Occupational Burnout
The Right Amount of Stress
2. Being Responsible for your own Stress
Identifying the Stresses in Your Life
Coping with Stress
Alleviating Stress at Work
Expressing Your Feelings
Using Stress Releases and Safety Valves
3. Reducing Stress
Developing Mindfulness
Practicing Meditation
4. Improving your Relationships with yourself and Others
You are a Unique Individual – Accept it
Realistic and Unrealistic Expectations
Assessing Your Strengths
Acknowledging Universal Human Needs
Building Better Relationships
Recognising Negative Relationship Patterns
5. Enhance your Emotional Health
Understanding Emotional Maturity
Expressing Emotions Appropriately
Exploring Your Own Emotional Fitness
Building Self-Confidence
Solving Problems Openly
Maintaining Emotional Fitness
Setting Personal Goals
Reviewing Your Personal Goals
Stress Management Course: Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend: Stress Management Course
This is a self enrichment course intended for anyone who would like to reduce stress.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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