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Quick Look Course Summary:Personal Productivity Course
  • Next Public Course Date: 6 November 2019

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Personal Productivity Course: Introduction

    This course teaches personal goal setting, for better personal productivity.

    Personal Productivity Course :Course Outline

    • Goal setting is the single most important life skill that we can learn.
    • You can use goal setting in every aspect of your life including the financial, the physical, personal development, relationships or even the spiritual. At our workshops, we teach goal setting mainly by the use of two excellent methods.
    • We’re sure you’ve heard of SMART goals before so we won’t bore you, we’ll merely mention that SMART goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.
    • The other method is the three P’s: goals should be positive, personal and possible.
    • For most people the word routine invokes images of repetitively doing something boring, with every second controlled and no space to even think. However, because routine tasks are planned for, they actually allow for more time to achieving goals.
    • A routine shouldn’t be set in stone; it can be modified at any time to suit you better.
    • You have several routines already – you just don’t think of them as routines.
    • Remember a routine must help you to achieve your goal.
    • Your sleeping pattern is an important routine and if you have a good sleeping routine, you will be more productive and have more energy during the day.
    • If you plan your meals, you’ll eat healthier and if you exercise this routine will add to your health and vitality.
    • TIP: Build a routine in three easy steps: Identify the task.
    • For example opening the mail at home, and opening emails at work.
    • Identify the time and or trigger.
    • Coming home after work, or arriving at work.
    • Identify sub tasks. Sorting the mail by priority, getting a cup of coffee – or sorting through emails by priority and making notes.
    • There is no magic when it comes to creating a schedule and everybody’s schedule is unique, you know what works for you and what doesn’t.
    • We will take participants through the steps of rebalancing themselves when they find they have too much on their plate.
    • When accepting or tackling new tasks and projects, we discuss the sliding scale and the checklist for beginning, we will also be discussing when to evaluate and adapt a schedule.
    • Using project management techniques can be helpful when creating a schedule; we examine the triple constraint and how to use a RACI chart.
    • Touching on the physical workspace, we review ergonomics and physical layout.
    • We wrap up our workshop with a word on filing, archiving, email on mobile devices and lastly tackling procrastination.

    1. Introduction
    Workshop Objectives
    Pre workshop review

    2. Setting SMART Goals
    The Three P’s
    The SMART way
    Prioritising your goals
    Evaluating and adapting
    Case study

    3. The Power of routines
    Personal routines
    Professional routines
    Six easy ways to simplify your life
    Case study

    4. Scheduling yourself
    The simple secret of successful time management
    Developing a tracking system
    Scheduling appointments
    Scheduling tasks
    Case study

    5. Keeping yourself on top of tasks
    One minute rule
    Five minute rule
    What to do when you feel like you’re sinking
    Case study

    6. Tackling new tasks and projects
    The sliding scale
    A checklist for getting started
    Evaluating and adapting
    Case study

    7. Using project management techniques
    The triple constraint
    Creating the schedule
    Using a RACI chart
    Case study

    8. Creating a workplace
    Setting up the physical layout
    Using your computer efficiently
    Case study

    9. Organising files and folders
    Organising paper files
    Organising electronic files
    Scheduling archive and clean up
    Case study

    10. Managing E-Mail
    Using E-Mail time wisely
    Taking action
    Making the most of your E-Mail program
    Handheld devices
    Case study

    11. Procrastination
    Why does it happen
    Nine ways to overcome procrastination
    Eat the frog
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Ideal for Goals And Objectives Companies BOTI offers: Goal Setting Workshop and Goal Setting Courses contact us today!

    Personal Productivity Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Personal Productivity Course

    This is a self enrichment course intended for anyone who would like to improve their personal productivity.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

    Ideal for Goals And Objectives Companies BOTI offers: Goal Setting Workshop and Goal Setting Courses contact us today!

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    Ideal for Goals And Objectives Companies BOTI offers: Goal Setting Workshop and Goal Setting Courses contact us today!

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