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Quick Look Course Summary:General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice
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Length: 30 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 69,485.85 EX VAT 3 Person R 45,447.03 EX VAT 10 Person R 31,637.99 EX VAT
Certification Type:Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Qualification Title: General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice SAQA I.D. 61755 NQF Level: NQF Level 01
Credits: 121
Course duration: 24 contact days over 12 months
This is an accredited qualification
Learn more about best business practices and business strategy. Book your seat now on the General Education and Training Certificate in Business Practice or enrol on one of BOTI’s small business courses today! BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.
“Open for business”
What you will learn
First Economy and Second Economy
South Africa’s economy is characterised as having two inter-related parts, usually referred to as the First Economy and the Second Economy and each displaying the features their respective names imply.
This course is intended to offer a bridging between those two economies, allowing individuals normally trapped in the Second Economy the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the First Economy.
Literacy has many features on the modern world
In the modern world literacy has many features which does not only pertain to reading and writing. Examples of such are computer literacy and financial literacy.
In addition, entrepreneurship offers part of the solution to the huge unemployment issue in the country, while at the same time being able to act as the vehicle for the variety of literacies referred to above.
Learn more about best business practices and business strategy. Book your seat now on the General Education and Training Certificate in Business Practice or enrol on one of BOTI’s small business courses today! BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.
Skills critical to support economic growth and to support and develop people
You will be able to enter the workplace in most sectors and be able to do the entry-level work required. You will also develop initiative and business skills as entrepreneurial skills which you can apply in a company or which would assist you to establish yout own small businesses. This is critical to support the economic growth required to enable our country to support and develop all of our people.
Course outcomes
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Effectively demonstrate an understanding of a general business plan and adapt it to a selected business idea
- Effectively demonstrate an understanding of basic accounting practices
- Competently demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship and develop entrepreneurial qualities
- Develop and use keyboard skills to enter text
- Identify and discuss different types of businesses and their legal implications
Learn more about best business practices and business strategy. Book your seat now on the General Education and Training Certificate in Business Practice or enrol on one of BOTI’s small business courses today! BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.
- Identify, analyse and select business opportunities
- Manage personal finances
- Manage files in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment
- Competently Operate a personal computer system
- Plan to manage one’s time – develop time management skills
- Understand the impact of customer service on a business
Learn more about best business practices and business strategy. Book your seat now on the General Education and Training Certificate in Business Practice or enrol on one of BOTI’s small business courses today! BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.
- Use generic functions in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)- environment
- Articulately describe and represent objects in terms of shape, space and measurement
- Describe, interpret and represent mathematical patterns, functions and algebra in different contexts
- Engage in a range of speaking, signing and listening interactions for a variety of purposes
Learn more about best business practices and business strategy. Book your seat now on the General Education and Training Certificate in Business Practice or enrol on one of BOTI’s small business courses today! BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.
- Explore and use a variety of strategies in order to learn
- Competently process, analyse and communicate numerical data
- Read, view and respond to a range of text types
- Work with numbers; operations with numbers and relationships between numbers
- Write and sign for a variety of different purposes
- Demonstrate an understanding of sexuality and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS
- Develop analytical perception
- Engage in directed planning behavior
- Interpret and implement instructions
Who is this course suitable for?
This GETC in Business Practice will act as an enabler to development. The Certificate is intended as an entry-level qualification in any industry, as it provides an introduction to business practice. It would be useful for those who are already employed or seeking employment as well as those individuals in or planning self-employment.
Other Possible Advantage of Registering a Learnership
The above qualifications, not automatically but subject to further requirements, can be registered as a “Learnership” (a workplace-based practical qualifications).
Tax Incentives
If the above qualification is registered as a learnership (see link for various requirements), the employer can claim a tax allowance of R40,000 (R60,000 for disability) per year . The employer can claim a R40,000 “completion allowance” for NQF level 1-6 (R60,000 for disability).
BBBEE Incentives
By implementing Learnerships you can contribute to gaining up to 8 BBBEE points (4 points for meeting the employee and unemployed learner requirements), plus an additional 5 bonus points for employing successful Learnership graduates (if applicable). Ensure you meet your Total Spend and Disabled Learner Spend targets, and earn 25/20 points for your Skills Development Criteria.
Try the Employment Tax Incentive. Ensure your learners are between the ages of 18-35 and they qualify you for up to 50% rebate on paid wages (limited to wages of no more than R 6 000 per month) through your monthly PAYE returns. If you pay your new learner R 2 000 per month (recommended minimum), you get R 1 000 back – per month
The remuneration iro of the salaries of a learner will be exempt from Skills Development Levies.
Grant Funding
Learnerships are one of the easiest ways to attract funding, whether through SETA funding or other government-sponsored projects, funding for the costs incurred, are available to your organisation.
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Duration: 30 day(s)
Delegates: 1
Cost (incl):