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Quick Look Course Summary:Business Succession Planning Course
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  • Length: 2 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 8,761.25 EX VAT 3 Person R 6,937.02 EX VAT 10 Person R 5,067.28 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Business Succession Planning Course: Introduction

    Planning for the future is always a wise things to do. Our business succession workshop will help you to identify potential successors and groom them for succession.

    Business Succession Planning Course :Course Outline

    This managerial course links back to several previous managerial workshops and managers who have attended these workshops should be seeing the entire picture regarding business identity by now. When the above workshops are taken into consideration with this workshop, a corporate identity emerges. Corporate behaviour is a part of the corporate identity. Aligning values, ethics, conduct and behaviour is what makes a business stand out and be a leader in its field. Behaviour is the way a person acts or behaves in response to stimulation. Behaviour is developed through three major factors – psychology, sociology and anthropology. Psychology applied in a corporate setting would be training, motivation, leadership and stress. Sociology applied in a business setting would be attitude and communication. Lastly, anthropology in corporate behaviour would be understood as comparative values, understanding different cultures and comparative attitudes. Before we can implement corporate behaviour we must understand the categories of behaviour such as the managerial structure which should be clearly defined and managers should be knowledgeable about the department and the company. The corporate values and ethics which should include philanthropy and diversity would be included in its vision statement. Employees should understand their accountability in the corporate behaviour and workplace incidents should be dealt with swiftly and objectively echoing the company’s behaviour. Designing and implementing corporate behaviour is done best with a group planning committee to help set and maintain realistic goals. When hiring new people, hire people you feel will adhere to the corporate behaviour rules. Obviously corporate behaviour will include training employees in the new vision. The corporate behaviour should include team building, communication and efficient conflict resolution. TIP: Although many large and global companies include philanthropy in their budgets, it is a wonderful company building experience to take on a charity and which can include the entire company contributing to this charity. It creates social awareness and bonding between employees. We round off this workshop with a word on auditing the corporate behaviour. Basically this means that positive and ethical behaviour is affirmed throughout the company and incidents are quickly and effectively investigated and solved. Employee feedback is a huge part of corporate behaviour so regular sessions or meetings with a diverse group of employees providing feedback is important. 1. Introduction
    Workshop objectives

    2. Succession planning versus replacement planning
    Defining Business succession planning
    What is replacement planning?
    Deciding what you need
    Case study

    3. Preparing for the planning process
    How to set parameters for the planning process
    Should you establish a committee?
    How to gather operational data
    Case study

    4. Initiating process
    Develop a mission statement
    Develop a vision statement
    Choosing to be a mentor
    Case study

    5. The SWOT Analysis
    Identifying Strengths
    Identifying weaknesses
    Identifying Opportunities
    Identifying threats
    Case study

    6. Developing the succession plan
    Prioritise what the succession plan will address
    Set goals and objectives
    Develop a strategy for achieving goals
    Draft plan
    Case study

    7. Executing the plan
    Assign responsibility and authority
    Establish a monitoring system
    Identifying paths
    Choosing your final approach
    Case study

    8. Gaining support
    Gathering data
    Addressing concerns and issues
    Evaluating and adapting
    Case study

    9. Managing the change
    Developing a change management plan
    Developing a communication plan
    Implementing the plans
    Providing constructive criticism
    Encouraging growth and development
    Case study

    10. Overcoming roadblocks
    Common Obstacles
    Re-evaluating goals
    Focusing on progress
    Case study

    11. Reaching the end
    How to know when you’ve achieved success
    Wrapping it all up
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Business Succession Planning Course: Course Duration

    2 day/s

    Who should attend: Business Succession Planning Course

    This course is intended for Human Resources personnel and managers.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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