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Quick Look Course Summary:Excel 2013 Essentials Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Excel 2013 Essentials Course: Introduction
The beginner’s course in Excel is an excellent way to introduce participants to this spreadsheet based program. It is intended for excel novices and for Excel users who wish to broaden their knowledge.
Excel 2013 Essentials Course :Course Outline
This is the first of three workshops we present on Excel 2013. Beginners and novices to Excel are welcome to attend this workshop where they will learn the Essentials of Excel 2013. To become proficient in Excel we suggest participants also attend the Advanced and Expert workshops. This is a practical workshop where participants will practice what they learn on computers, we also include the pre workshop review so that participants can indicate to the trainer what features they already use and what they need to know more about. Excel 2013 has some new features and with Office 2013 the user has a new landing screen which makes creating and launching documents easier than previous versions of Excel. Excel also comes with an improved user interface and an array of tools to help manage data through Skydrive. Some of the workshop objectives are: Opening and creating workbook files; using the new interface; entering and editing data in different ways; understanding basic formulas and functions; using the new features and formatting worksheets and data. The new recent list on the left hand side of the screen allows the user to open a workbook that has been recently used without having to go through the dialog box. It includes the name and file location of the last several workbooks that have been used. The user can now pin their favourite workbooks to the list so that they will be available for quick access even if other workbooks are opened. Participants will also be introduced to the ribbon interface and the Backstage view and notable parts of the ribbon. The Backstage view replaced the file menu found in Excel versions prior to 2010.Flash fill is a new feature in Excel 2013; it finds connections in your data to help you fill in information. For example: you have a worksheet with one column labelled alpha; beta, Charlie; delta and so on, you would enter alpha in the first row and beta in the second row excel will then display the remaining list, press enter to accept. As with previous versions Excel offers the user the choice of view for viewing documents, the user can also create a custom view, this is useful if the user wants to view the same data in different ways. In module seven participants will learn about basic Excel functions, including SUM and Auto Complete, they will also learn the functions in the Formulas tab and learn the function names. Participants will also be taught when to use a formula and when to use a function. The Formulas tab is used to help create functions, users can access the functions in the Function Library. Sparklines are a new addition and are miniature graphs which help to explain data better, Sparklines and Quick Analysis make up module eight. We round off our workshop with a module on formatting data; a module dealing with themes, effects and styles and a module on printing and sharing workbooks.
1. Setting Up a Workbook
Creating Workbooks
Excel Environment
Customising Quick Access Toolbar
Creating a New Workbook
Entering Data into Workbook
Saving a workbook
Open a workbook
Insert a new worksheet
Renaming a new worksheet
Changing the tab colour of worksheet
Rearranging the order of worksheets
Move or Copy worksheets
Hide or Unhide Worksheets
Switch windows
Modifying Workbooks and Worksheets
Changing column widths and row heights
Insert Columns or Rows
Delete Columns or Rows
Hide or Unhide columns or rows
Insert Cells
Moving Data by dragging
Customising Excel 2010
Arranging multiple workbook windows.
Customising the ribbon
Minimising the ribbon
2. Working with Data and Excel Tables
Entering Data
Copy, Cut and Paste
Pick from drop down list
Find and Replace data
Spell Check
Defining an Excel Table
Format as table
Table design
Basic Formulas
How to create a basic formula
Copy formula down
Absolute cell reference
Basic Functions
Insert a function
Autosum, sum, min, max and average
3. Changing Workbook Appearance
Format Cells
Changing Font, Font size and Font Colour
Bolt, Italic and Underline
Fill Colour
Format Numbers as percentage, currency and general
Insert a Picture
Picture Styles, remove background, picture effects
Insert Background
4. Printing
Inserting Headers and Footers
Print Preview
Page Setup
Page break preview
Print active worksheets
Print entire workbook
Print Selection
Print titles
Set Print area
Centre data on page
Excel 2013 Essentials Course: Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend: Excel 2013 Essentials Course
This course is intended for novice users of Microsoft Excel.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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