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Quick Look Course Summary:National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing
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  • Length: 30 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 69,485.85 EX VAT 3 Person R 45,447.03 EX VAT 10 Person R 31,637.99 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Accredited

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    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing

    SAQA I.D. 61591, NQF Level: NQF Level 03, Credits: 130

    Course duration:  24  contact days over 12 months

    What you will learn

    End User Computing is an essential skill in any business today and is required in order for businesses to meet local and global economic challenges and requirements of a digital world.

    Further, the End User Computing NQF Level 3 qualification is generic and fndamental, which allows for maximum mobility between qualifications.

    Course outcomes

    Upon completion of this course you will be able to effectively:

    • Competently apply the knowledge, techniques & skills of End User Computing applications in the workplace.
    • Understand the impact and use Information Communication & Technology (ICT) in an organisation and society.
    • Improve Communication by combining communication skills with End User Computing skills.
    • Improve the application of mathematical literacy in the workplace, by better utilising applicable End User Computing Applications.

    Who is this course suitable for?

    Intended for learners already employed or new learners entering the workplace, requiring End User Computing skills.

    Name of Learning programme/Skills programmeNQFlevelNumber of CreditsUnit StandardUnit Standard TitleSETA
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 8968  (fund)Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 10140  (elect)Apply a range of project management tools MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258897  (elect)Apply electronic messaging and calendar application MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258879  (elect)Change the appearance of a spreadsheet MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 114636  (elect)Demonstrate an understanding of preventative maintenance, environmental and safety issues in a computer environment MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 115391  (core)Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of the internet and the world-wide-web MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 9010  (fund)Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 13915  (fund)Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, own organisation and a specific workplace MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258877  (elect)Demonstrate knowledge of and manipulate master and subdocuments in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based word processor MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 14947  (elect)Describe data communications MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117928  (elect)Describe the application and effect of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on society MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117925  (core)Describe the concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the use of its components in a healthy and safe manner MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 14918  (elect)Describe the principles of Computer Programming MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 9013  (fund)Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258881  (elect)Design complex tables and queries using a graphical user interface (GUI) based database to solve a given problem MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258875  (elect)Design forms and reports using a Graphic User Interface (GUI) based database MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116935  (core)Enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging application MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258878  (elect)Ensure spreadsheet integrity to enhance reliability MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 14917  (elect)Explain computer architecture concepts MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 14913  (elect)Explain the principles of computer networks MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 7785  (elect)Function in a business environment MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117926  (elect)Identify and explain ICT risks and recommend security solutions MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 10139  (elect)Implement project administration processes according to requirements MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117156  (elect)Interpret basic financial statements MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 9012  (fund)Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 14912  (elect)Investigate the use of computer technology in an organisation MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 114984  (elect)Manage electronic mail in a business environment MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258882  (elect)Manipulate data and ensure integrity MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 13931  (elect)Monitor and control the maintenance of office equipment MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 11241  (fund)Perform Basic Business Calculations MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 110023  (elect)Present information in report format MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258898  (elect)Review and create documents using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based word processor MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117927  (elect)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based database application to solve a given problem MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116936  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based database application to work with simple databases MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116930  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based presentation application to enhance presentation appearance MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117923  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based presentation application to prepare and produce a presentation according to a given brief MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116937  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based spreadsheet application to create and edit spreadsheets MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116940  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based spreadsheet application to solve a given problem MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116931  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based web-browser to search the Internet MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 117924  (core)Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based word processor to format documents MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116942  (core)Use a GUI-based word processor to create merged documents MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 119078  (core)Use a GUI-based word processor to enhance a document through the use of tables and columns MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 114076  (core)Use computer technology to research a computer topic MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116945  (core)Use electronic mail to send and receive messages MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258883  (elect)Use generic functions in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-environment MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 8973  (fund)Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 7456  (fund)Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 116943  (core)Using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based spreadsheet application, enhance the functionality and apply graph /charts to a spreadsheet MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258880  (elect)Utilise special features to enhance presentations MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 10135  (elect)Work as a project team member MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 258876  (elect)Work with spreadsheets MICT
    National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing 8970  (fund)Write texts for a range of communicative contexts MICT

    Other Possible Advantage of Registering a Learnership

    The above qualifications, not automatically but subject to further requirements, can be registered as a “Learnership” (a workplace-based practical qualifications).

    Tax Incentives

    If the above qualification is registered as a learnership (see link for various requirements), the employer can claim a tax allowance of R40,000 (R60,000 for disability) per year . The employer can claim a R40,000 “completion allowance” for NQF level 1-6 (R60,000 for disability).

    BBBEE Incentives

    By implementing Learnerships you can contribute to gaining up to 8 BBBEE points (4 points for meeting the employee and unemployed learner requirements), plus an additional 5 bonus points for employing successful Learnership graduates (if applicable). Ensure you meet your Total Spend and Disabled Learner Spend targets, and earn 25/20 points for your Skills Development Criteria.


    Try the Employment Tax Incentive. Ensure your learners are between the ages of 18-35 and they qualify you for up to 50% rebate on paid wages (limited to wages of no more than R 6 000 per month) through your monthly PAYE returns. If you pay your new learner R 2 000 per month (recommended minimum), you get R 1 000 back – per month

    Skills Development Levy

    The remuneration iro of the salaries of a learner will be exempt from Skills Development Levies.

    Grant Funding

    Learnerships are one of the easiest ways to attract funding, whether through SETA funding or other government-sponsored projects, funding for the costs incurred, are available to your organisation.


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