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Quick Look Course Summary:Further Education and Training Certificate: New Venture Creation
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 30 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 69,485.85 EX VAT 3 Person R 45,447.03 EX VAT 10 Person R 31,637.99 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Further Education and Training Certificate: New Venture Creation

    SAQA I.D. 66249
    NQF Level: NQF Level 04
    Credits: 149

    This is an accredited qualification

    Course duration:  30 contact days over 9 – 12 months

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course.  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.


    “Venture beyond the ordinary’

    What you will learn

    BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics course will enable you to develop the appropriate knowledge and skills required in order to establish and develop a small to medium business venture, and address the administrative, economic and behavioural barriers that contribute to the success of starting the venture and ensuring that it is sustainable.

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course.  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.


    Course outcomes

    Upon completion of this course you will be able to effectively:

    • Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business
    • Apply the principles of costing and pricing to a business venture
    • Be able to demonstrate an understanding of an entrepreneurial profile
    • Competently demonstrate an understanding of the function of the market mechanisms pertaining to a new venture
    • Explain and apply the concept, principles and theories of motivation in a leadership context
    • Finance a new venture
    • Implement an appropriate action plan for a new venture
    • Manage the finances of a new venture
    • Manage the general administration of a new venture

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course.  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    • Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation
    • Plan strategically in order to improve new venture performance
    • Develop and produce business plans for a new venture
    • Research the viability of new venture ideas and opportunities
    • Implement and manage human resource and labour relations policies and acts
    • Accommodate the audience and context needs in respect of oral and signed communication
    • Interpret and use information from written text
    • Use correct language and communication in occupational learning programmes
    • Write, present and sign texts in respect of a range of communicative contexts

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course.  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    • Apply knowledge of statistics and probability in order to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings regarding life -related problems
    • Engage in sustained oral and signed communication and evaluate spoken and signed texts
    • Read, view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts
    • Represent, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3- dimensional space within various different contexts
    • Use correct language and communication in occupational learning programmes
    • Apply mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international affairs
    • Write, present and sign for a wide range of contexts
    • Interpret basic financial statements
    • Motivate and build a team
    • Tender to secure business for a new venture

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course.

    Who is this course suitable for?

    This course is aimed at those who wish to start, operate, manage and grow a new small to medium business venture.

    Develop your skills as an entrepreneur and learn about innovation management, how to write a business plan, how to generate new business ideas and so much more.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course. BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.


    Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business114600, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Apply the principles of costing and pricing to a business venture263455, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Demonstrate an understanding of an entrepreneurial profile263356, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the function of the market mechanisms in a new venture263514, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Explain and apply the concept, principles and theories of motivation in a leadership context120389, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Finance a new venture114584, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Implement an action plan for a new venture263534, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Manage finances of a new venture263474, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Manage general administration114805, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation13948, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Plan and manage production/operations in a new venture263434, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Plan strategically to improve new venture performance263456, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Produce business plans for a new venture114592, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 8
    Research the viability of new venture ideas/opportunities114596, Core, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Implement and manage human resource and labour relations policies and acts116394, Core, Level 5, Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5, Cr 9
    Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication119472, Fundamental, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 5
    Interpret and use information from texts119457, Fundamental, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 5
    Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes119467, Fundamental, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 5
    Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts119465, Fundamental, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 5
    Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems9015, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts119462, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts119469, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts9016, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes119471, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues7468, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 6
    Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts119459, Fundamental, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 5
    Interpret basic financial statements117156, Elective, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 4
    Motivate and Build a Team242819, Elective, Level 4, NQF Level 04, Cr 10

    Other Possible Advantage of Registering a Learnership

    The above qualifications, not automatically but subject to further requirements, can be registered as a “Learnership” (a workplace-based practical qualifications).

    Tax Incentives

    If the above qualification is registered as a learnership (see link for various requirements), the employer can claim a tax allowance of R40,000 (R60,000 for disability) per year . The employer can claim a R40,000 “completion allowance” for NQF level 1-6 (R60,000 for disability).

    BBBEE Incentives

    By implementing Learnerships you can contribute to gaining up to 8 BBBEE points (4 points for meeting the employee and unemployed learner requirements), plus an additional 5 bonus points for employing successful Learnership graduates (if applicable). Ensure you meet your Total Spend and Disabled Learner Spend targets, and earn 25/20 points for your Skills Development Criteria.


    Try the Employment Tax Incentive. Ensure your learners are between the ages of 18-35 and they qualify you for up to 50% rebate on paid wages (limited to wages of no more than R 6 000 per month) through your monthly PAYE returns. If you pay your new learner R 2 000 per month (recommended minimum), you get R 1 000 back – per month

    Skills Development Levy

    The remuneration iro of the salaries of a learner will be exempt from Skills Development Levies.

    Grant Funding

    Learnerships are one of the easiest ways to attract funding, whether through SETA funding or other government-sponsored projects, funding for the costs incurred, are available to your organisation.


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