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Quick Look Course Summary:Increasing Your Happiness Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Increasing Your Happiness Course: Introduction

    This course focuses on the various things that happy people do, we have ten secrets to increasing your happiness to share with you.

    Increasing Your Happiness Course :Course Outline

    Ten things happy people do. They plan ahead. Happy people prepare tonight to be happy tomorrow. They have a good nightly routine, they get 8 hours of sleep, they make some time for themselves in the morning and they plan their trip to work to arrive early. They plan their day. Happy people arrive early at work, giving themselves enough time for anything unexpected to happen. Happy people know what they’re going to do for the day because they create to-do lists. These include breaks for coffee and lunch. They relate to others. Happy people greet their colleagues with a smile and socialize with their colleagues building a rapport before the day’s work begins. My happy place. Happy people have a happy work space; they clear their space of excess clutter, add a personal touch and have something green and alive in their work area. Don’t worry, if you don’t have green fingers you can fake it with a fake plant. Accentuate the positive. Happy people affirm their happiness to themselves every day, usually by means of a gratitude journal. They seek out other happy people and they limit their negative interactions. Happy people, build friendships. Use benefits. Happy people are not martyrs, they use their vacation and other paid time off. You will often find happy people are also healthy people with gym memberships or health club memberships. If you have an employee assistance program, make use of it. Take control of career happiness. Happy people are not wish-wash, they don’t flounder around wondering how to get from A to B. They take control of their professional development and constantly seek feedback to remain on the right track. They practice professional courage, they address, deal with and defuse conflicts. Happy people seek mentors and seek to mentor others. They set boundaries. Happy people have learned to say ‘no’. They will work as hard as anyone else, but they know when it’s time to quit and refocus. They know when to call it a day and they know they’re no good to anyone working for days on end. They practice positivity. Happy people keep their interactions with others positive, they practice gratitude and address conflict and misunderstandings directly. Happy people look for the silver lining in every cloud. They choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice and happy people choose to be happy, they choose their response to stress. Happy people do one thing every day that they love and enjoy. Happy people seek to make positive changes. 1.Introduction
    Workshop Objectives

    2. Plan ahead for happiness
    Have a nightly routine
    Get 8 hours of sleep
    Wake up early to allow “me” time
    Allow enough time to arrive early
    Case study

    3. Plan your day
    Arrive early
    Check for action items
    Create a to-do list for the day
    Build in breaks
    Case study

    4. Relate to others
    Greet your colleagues
    Build your support team
    Take time to socialise
    Case study

    5. Go to your happy work space
    Create a workspace that makes you happy
    Clear the clutter
    Bring in personal touches
    Add some green
    Case study

    6. Accentuate the positive
    Use a daily affirmation
    Surround yourself with positive people
    Limit your negative interactions
    Build friendships
    Case study

    7. Use your benefits
    Use your time off
    Gym or health club memberships
    Employee assistance programs
    Explore other benefits
    Case study

    8. Take control of your career happiness
    Take control of your professional development
    Get feedback
    Practice professional courage
    Mentoring and mentoring others
    Case study

    9. Set Boundaries
    Learn to say No
    Learn to say Yes
    Protect your downtime
    When to call it a day
    Case study

    10. Practice Positivity
    Keep interactions positive
    Practice Gratitude
    Address conflict and misunderstandings directly
    Look for the silver lining
    Case study

    11. Choose to be happy
    Happiness is a choice
    Choose your stress response
    Do one thing every day that you love
    Seek to make positive changes
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Increasing Your Happiness Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Increasing Your Happiness Course

    This is a self-enrichment course for anyone wanting to improve their happiness.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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