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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Improving Mindfulness Course
Course Introduction
This course teaches participants about cognition and emotion and how they fit into being self aware and mindful of others.
Course Outline
What is mindfulness? The concept comes from Buddhism, where one learns to quiet the internal chatter and pay attention to the present. One aspect of mindfulness is bare attention; this means attention which is free of judgment or elaboration. Practicing mindfulness. There are four aspects to practicing mindfulness, to pay attention in the present moment, to accept things as they are without judgment. The purpose of emotions is to psychologically recognise something that is happening, it can be as basic as the fight/flight response or a more complicated emotion. Some emotions help us function better at work, these are emotions such as; enthusiasm, tenacity, confidence and optimism. Cognitive distortion. This has a large impact on mindfulness.
Basically your brain filters information in the wrong way. Somebody says they like your dress but the flowers on your dress would not suit them, and you filter that information incorrectly and arrive at the wrong conclusion: The person who spoke to you does not like your dress. In the workshop we discuss all the elements of cognitive distortion and the brain process or the psychological process. This includes dichotomous reasoning, jumping to conclusions, magnification and minimisation, destructive labelling and blaming. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy. This is behavioural therapy aimed at changing your behaviour. You can change your thinking process from a distorted one to a positively functional one focusing on the mental modes. Gratitude. The relationship between mindfulness and gratitude is an important one. We examine the definition, and teach participants how to make gratitude a habit. Cultivating High Performance Emotions. All emotions have three components that work together. First is cognition which is conscious awareness of the emotion and the ability to define it correctly. Second is how strongly we feel about that emotion. Lastly is your reaction to an emotion. Mood management involves using your cognition to develop better strategies for reacting to emotions.
In this way you can teach yourself and others how to cultivate enthusiasm, tenacity and confidence.TIP: An example of a distorted thinking pattern is blaming. Blaming is more about identifying someone to punish than it is about finding a solution to a problem. Taking responsibility is different from blaming someone. When someone is responsible they are able to change a situation rather than being at fault in a situation which nobody can fix. We round off our very intense and comprehensive workshop on mindfulness by looking at mindfulness in customer services. The last aspect but probably one of the most important of the workshop. We learn about individual focus, active listening and building a rapport.
Workshop Objectives
2. Defining mindfulness
Buddhist concept
Bare Attention
Psychological concept of mindfulness
Case study
3. Practicing mindfulness
Mindfulness Meditation
Case study
4. Emotional Intelligence
The purpose of emotions
High performance emotions
Swing Emotions
Blue emotions
Case study
5. Cognitive distortion (1)
Dichotomous reasoning
Magnification and minimisation
Jumping to conclusions
Case study
6. Cognitive Distortion (2)
Destructive labelling
The tyranny of the should
Case study
7. Mindfulness based Cognitive therapy
Mental modes
Doing mode
Being mode
Metacognitive Awareness
Case study
8. Mindfulness and gratitude
Defining gratitude
Gratitude journal
Exercise in mindfulness and gratitude
Forming a habit
Case study
9. Cultivating the high performance emotions
The Emotion-Cognition-Behaviour Triangle
Case study
10. Mindfulness in customer service
Individually focused
Active Listening
Building a rapport
Case Study
11. Mindfulness and leadership
Mental resilience
Case study
12. Topics not discussed
Lessons learned
Post workshop overview
Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend
This is a self-enrichment course for anyone who wants to improve their mindfulness.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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