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Quick Look Course Summary:Trade Show Staff Training Course
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  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Trade Show Staff Training Course

    Course Introduction

    When you and your team attend the trade show remember your company objectives; such as why are we here? What is our goal? How can we achieve our goal as a team? How should we represent our business?

    Course Outline

    One of the main things that will draw customers at a trade show is your booth, therefore simple things such as your layout and colour scheme should be such that people want to come in and learn more about your product or service. Customers can also be attracted by samples, prizes, etc. As it is important to stand out in a crowd we give a few examples of how to do so: Bright colours will attract attention as well as clearly visible signs. Your booth should feel welcoming to interested customers, who should feel comfortable at all times. Friendly employees will also attract customers as people are not inclined to deal with rude people. When you and your team attend the trade show remember your company objectives; such as why are we here? What is our goal? How can we achieve our goal as a team? How should we represent our business? Remember that trade shows encompass wide varieties of product from almost as many different companies.

    This is what make the trade show what it is but at the same time makes it more difficult for an individual to stand out. At this point you begin to actively advertise your product and its benefits for potential buyers, and how it differs from other products. Be careful to keep your presentation short and factual, but not too serious. Customers will have questions that you must be prepared to answer, so it is vital to know everything about your product. Before the trade show or any similar opportunities, ensure that your team understands the company’s vital information, and test your team on the answers of some of the questions that customers may ask. A well prepared team will answer questions with ease and confidence, we offer the following tips for preparing for the show: Provide tools for scenarios where employees need assistance, such as relevant contact numbers or reference manuals.

    Go over the necessary information with your employees and make sure they understand. Have a question and answer team meeting and review possible customer experiences. Decide whether you should assign a leader for the team who will assist employees when needed.TIP: To ensure that customers remember your booth as well as your product, utilize good presentation methods. Games and food items ensure that customers will have ample opportunity to speak to staff members about the product being advertised. After the trade show you will review the progress and the customer leads your team made. At this stage you must follow up on your leads and maintain contact with your new clients. It is important to determine how each customer prefers to be contacted and how best to do so. Make sure you send information such as brochures and catalogues to the customers within 48 hours as well as an email offering to meet with them face to face to further discuss their wants or needs. This will show your customers that you take an interest in helping them to acquire the products they need.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction
    Pre workshop review
    Workshop Objectives

    2.Pre-Show Preparation
    Prepare for physical issues
    Developing a great elevator speech
    Setting up a schedule
    Connect with attendees
    Case study

    3. Booth Characteristics and set-up (1)
    Stand out
    Create a booth manual/checklist
    Scout a high traffic area
    Case study

    4. Booth Characteristics and set-up (2)
    Match your brand
    Private area
    Focus on a message
    Case study

    5. During the show (1)
    Company Objectives
    Highlighting your product
    Do Something memorable
    Social Media
    Case study

    6. During the show (2)
    Classic Do’s and Don’ts
    Walk the floor
    Keep the distractions away
    Case study

    7. Qualifying visitors
    Know the answer
    Engage with qualifying questions
    Body language
    Listening skills
    Case study

    8. Engaging the right people
    Time wasters
    Case study

    9. The Rule Of Engagement
    Start with an open ended question
    Record all Prospect Information
    Be specific with your message
    Get a commitment
    Case study

    10. Rules of Engagement (1)
    Having a welcoming environment
    The Do’s and Don’ts of business cards
    Observational skills
    When not in the booth
    Case study

    11. After the show
    Review information and rank your leads
    Follow up with your leads
    Send Information Properly
    Lessons learned
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend

    This course is intended for companies who display at trade-shows.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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