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Quick Look Course Summary:Advanced excel courses Durban, Microsoft Excel Training Course Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Don’t be terrified of spreadsheets: Advanced excel courses Durban, Microsoft Excel Training Course Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town

    We offer several courses on Excel at different levels of experience, this is the Excel Advanced course. Students taking this course will be provided with all materials necessary for completion of the course. The Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria) focuses on the advanced features, functions and formulas of Excel.

    Excel 2013 Advanced Course :Course Outline

    Beginners using Excel tend to use it as a holding place for report data, knowing how to use the advanced features of Excel 2013 enables the user to do far more than temporarily holding data. We welcome participants to our Advanced Excel 2013 workshop. We strongly advise students who have not attended the Essentials workshop to do so before attending this workshop. We will be teaching participants the advanced features of Excel (This  Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria)) in a practical learning space which means students will practice what they have been taught on computers in the workshop. Once again we provide a pre workshop review form so that participants can give the trainer an idea of what they already know and what they need to know. We will be teaching participants the most common advanced features of Excel 2013. Some of our workshop objectives are: Using Smart Art; inserting objects; creating charts; working with pivot tables and solving formula errors. Smart Art is a new feature in Excel 2103; it gives the user visually appealing choices to add information graphically. Smart Art ranges from lists to hierarchical charts and the user can download more selections from Microsoft ™. Smart Art is located on the Insert tab in the Illustrations group box. Smart Art can also be used to illustrate ideas, activities, reporting structures and more, there are eight tabs listing the categories which vary from a list to a process to a pyramid. Objects such as pictures, text and shapes sometimes need to be added to a spreadsheet, we will teach participants about contextual tabs, how to add pictures, clipart, text boxes and shapes to a spreadsheet. Contextual tabs are specialised tabs which only appear after an object is inserted into the spreadsheet, a new tab will appear above the ribbon. When the user clicks on the new tab, the tools for that insertion will appear. Charts are essential to spreadsheets as they help to communicate data visually, the information is clear and concise, charts are the spreadsheet version of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. This  Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria) will teach students how to insert a chart, to understand the Chart Tolls tab, understand the parts of a chart (see TIP below), how to change the chart style and how to move and resize the chart.TIP: Anatomy of a chart: Horizontal Axis: (Y) This is the bottom line of a chart, normally there are no values in this area of the chart. The horizontal axis specifies the category of the data. For example a product. Vertical Axis: (X) This is usually the left side of the chart, and running vertically will be the values as they relate to the horizontal axis, for instance – sales from 2000 – 2017. Legend: This is the text which explains what the data represents, it can be colour coded for easier understanding. Plot area: (Z) This area contains the data you to present. We continue the workshop with pivot tables and teach students how to insert a pivot table and how to use the tabs for pivot tables. Next we move on to solving formula errors and we end off our workshop with managing data and grouping and outlining data.

    The Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria) will enable the learner to:

    Understand and use advanced functions such as logical and lookup functions.
    Consolidate data from multiple workbooks.
    Protect a Microsoft Excel Workbook & save with a backup
    Create and modify Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.
    Protect workbooks, worksheets & cells within worksheets.
    Work with calculated fields and summary tools.
    Analyse multiple data sources with the Power Pivot ad-in.
    Automate Pivot Tables with macros.
    Create & Modify Macros.
    Use advanced functions.
    Export and import data.
    Use conditional formatting.

    The Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria) is designed specifically for individuals who work within top management. And key skills learnt include the ability to:

    Auto Calculate
    Cell edit
    Multiple worksheets
    Understand data entry ranges
    Calculate across worksheets
    Worksheet and workbook linking
    Data Consolidation, Analysis, Management
    Exporting and Importing
    Querying external databases
    Importing Data
    Importing CSV files
    Text import wizard
    Exporting Data
    Choosing a specific format
    Exporting to word
    Pasting data with a link
    Copying a graph with a link
    Subtotals and Summarizing
    Manipulating display of totals
    Advanced value field settings
    Advanced data management
    Validating cell entries
    Pivot Table Reports and layout
    Refreshing data
    Pivot Chart Reports
    Conditional Formatting & Smart Art
    Conditional formatting with graphics
    Smart Art graphic

    Excel 2013 Advanced Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Excel 2013 Advanced Course

    This  Advanced Excel Courses Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Durban or Microsoft Excel Training Courses Durban (and throughout South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria) is intended for advanced users of Microsoft Excel.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

    IMPORTANT ACTION: Do Not Wait To Improve Your Skills.  

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