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Quick Look Course Summary:Workplace Violence Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Workplace Violence Course: Introduction
Workplace violence is a very serious matter. We invite participants to our workplace violence workshop and teach them the skills to recognise a potentially violent conflict, the skills to mediate a potentially violent conflict and what to do both on the spot and legally after such an incident has occurred.
Workplace Violence Course :Course Outline
Left unchecked workplace harassment can escalate into workplace violence. We addressed workplace harassment in our workshop on workplace harassment and we strongly urge participants who attend the harassment workshop to attend this workshop as well, since the two overlap each other. We examined the definition of harassment, as well as the employers responsibilities and the recourses available to victims in that workshop, in this workshop we will learn the implications harassment and violence have to business costs, the legal consequences if an employee should sue a company and the psychological repercussions. As the saying goes: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is worthwhile knowing what normal behaviour is and what is not, however mental health is very subjective to the lay-man, and we should never try to diagnose our colleagues. Bullies and people with personality disorders dont always check all the boxes and it would be wrong to make sweeping allegations against people with or without psychological disorders. Very often people with mental health issues are the victims of violence or harassment, and seventy percent of bullying is perpetrated by women against other women. Having said that, there are common distinguishing behaviours that have no place in the workplace and can only lead to a hostile working environment, such as: Non conformance to laws, policies or authority, incessant deceit, disregarding their own safety and that of others, irresponsibility, arrogance, exploiting fellow employees, a sense of entitlement, self-importance, jealousy, belittling others and spreading gossip and rumours. It is important to target the behaviour and not the person, difficult as it may be. Part of that ounce of prevention is implementing an action plan to discourage and root out harassment and violence from the workplace and to ensure that all employees are aware and trained in company policy. Companies conduct risk assessment for various reasons, in this workshop we will focus on risk of harassment and violence. We will discuss anger and aggression, the de-escalation or defusing strategies when faced with a violent occurrence. Communication skills and tactical options, the risk assessment will cover identifying the hazard, assessing the risk, controlling the risk and evaluation and review of the incident.TIP: Employers checklist: The four step process List the risks of taking or not taking action Determine the severity, the likelihood and possibility of early detection Prioritise the risks Develop action plan and assign responsibility Employers should make all employees aware of the company policy on harassment and violence and if it changes all employees should be made aware of changes. The company policy on violence should be included in its code of ethics. We wrap our course up with a module on identifying bullies in the interview process, the investigation process of a violent incident and the scope and philosophy of a policy on violence and harassment. 1. Introduction
Workshop objectives
2. What is workplace harassment
Identifying harassment
Cost to business
Case study
3. Identifying the bully
Abusive workplace behaviours
Bullying and personality disorders
Case study
4. How to handle workplace violence
Types of behaviour
Target the behaviour, not the person
Implement an action plan
Case study
5. Risk assessment
Understanding anger and aggression
Defusing and De-escalating situations
Communication skills
Tactical options
Case study
6. Risk Assessment (2)
Identifying the hazard
Addressing the risk
Controlling the risk
Evaluating and review
Case study
7. Being the victim
What is not considered bullying
Steps to take
Case study
8. Checklist for employers
4 Steps Process
Addressing all employees
Code of ethics
Policy and procedure
Case study
9. Interview Process
Identifying a bully
Warning signs
Case study
10. Investigation process
Advising your supervisor
Lodging the complaint
Initial response
The Investigation
Review and closure
Case study
11. Developing a harassment policy
Scope and philosophy
Informal complaint process
Formal Investigation Process
Case study
12. Topics not discussed
Lessons learned
Post workshop overview
Workplace Violence Course: Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend: Workplace Violence Course
This course is intended for anyone who works in human resources.
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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