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Quick Look Course Summary:Workplace Harassment Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Workplace Harassment Course: Introduction

    We strongly recommend that participants who do the workshop on workplace harassment also attend the workshop on Workplace violence as they are closely connected. In this course we focus on various types of harassment and the recourse for the victims of harassment both within their company, and criminally.

    Workplace Harassment Course :

    Course Outline

    We cannot exaggerate the importance of the subject of harassment in the workplace or workplace violence and we strongly recommend that participants attend both workshops. This workshop includes all types of harassment, not only sexual, but the topic is as volatile as it is serious and it is difficult to address without stepping on anyone’s toes; inadvertently of course.

    We are unambiguous in our presentation of workplace harassment when addressing gender, race, age or ability. The laws defining harassment are different in each country, and so are the policies in different companies and different industries. Generally, harassment is one of three actions: When someone does something or says something to make another person uneasy, and when someone knowingly puts another’s life at risk.

    Harassment includes intimidation and coercion. Creating a safe working environment is a goal of every company. To this end, it is not enough to communicate verbally that the company does not tolerate harassment; companies should have a written anti-harassment policy clearly defining the consequences of harassment as well as relief from harassment for the victim. Policies established and implemented should include some form of training or education for employees and managers, and this training should outline the employer’s rights and responsibilities as well as the employee’s rights and responsibilities. The proper procedure regarding harassment should be included in the training. Managers have a responsibility to keep information confidential and to conduct a proper and objective investigation and offer remedies to the victims of harassment. There is probably nothing worse than being falsely accused; again it is critical and fair to keep information confidential.

    Anti-harassment training such as this workshop includes dealing with allegations and false allegations, how to address the situation, monitoring the situation, how to deal with retaliation and appeals against findings and warnings or dismissal. Another body of grievance is the employee’s union.  Unions should have explicit grievance procedures and be willing to mediate with the company.

    In South Africa the Council for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is the final step for relief for some employees. We end the course off with three important aspects; mediation, conflict resolution and the aftermath. If harassment is nipped in the bud or it is unintentional from the accusee’s point of view, then mediation can be a skill well used in getting both parties to empathise and resolve the issue. Conflict resolution is one step further, yet the manager in charge of the case will still try to seek a solution where everyone wins and the issue can be filed as closed. Sometimes it is not so easy, and the harassment charge has spread into the office and so has the investigation and final decisions regarding the abuser and the victim. The atmosphere could change completely and it is here that addressing the aftermath becomes important. It is important to all parties concerned and the rest of the office that things go back to normal as soon as possible.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction
    Workshop objectives

    2. Background
    The Law
    Identifying harassment
    Anti -Harassment Policies
    Case Study

    3. Developing an Anti-Harassment policy
    What should be covered
    How model policies work
    Steps to a healthy workplace
    Educating employers
    Case Study

    4. Policies in the workplace
    Anti -Harassment Policy statements
    Employee’s rights and responsibilities
    Employer’s rights and responsibilities
    Case Study

    5. Proper procedures in the workplace
    If you are being harassed
    If you are accused of harassing
    Case Study

    6. False Allegations
    Addressing the situation
    Monitoring the situation
    Case Study

    7. Other options
    Union grievance procedures
    Case Study

    8. Sexual harassment
    Elements of harassments
    Common scenarios
    Case Study

    9. Mediation
    Deciding on mediation
    Implementing mediation
    Case Study

    How to resolve the situation
    Seeing both sides
    Deciding the consequence
    Case Study

    11. The Aftermath
    How to move on
    Monitoring the situation
    Learning from mistakes
    Case Study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Overview of workshop

    Workplace Harassment Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Workplace Harassment Course

    This course is intended for all employees, and individuals.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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