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Quick Look Course Summary:Appreciative Inquiry Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Appreciative Inquiry Course

    Course Introduction

    Appreciative Enquiry involves the way you ask questions. We teach participants how to ask open-ended questions instead of closed questions and how to respond to others with ‘I’ statements, and the art of listening to what others say with their mouths and their bodies.

    Course Outline

    Appreciative Enquiry, simply means changing the way you ask questions to get positive responses in any kind of situation, especially a sticky one or one where there is bound to be conflict. Through positive questioning, people will be directed to move in a positive direction. It is the ability to recognize the best in people. In the workplace it encourages employees to think positively which in turn leads to better productivity. This is a shift from looking at problems and negatives, to looking at solutions and positives. TIP: Ways to create your future today – Determine your goals – Make a plan for them –   Identify how appreciative inquiry can affect these goals and plans This workshop is designed to develop a can-do attitude, success leads to more success when we are focused on the positive.

    This workshop will also focus on limiting negative thinking and phrasing in the workplace. We address phrases such as I’ll try, and I can’t, and show participants how to change them into positive phrases with a positive attitude. A positive thinking skill that we teach in depth in this workshop is the Four D model. Very shortly it is Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver. We will spend a workshop module entirely devoted to understanding the Four D model and implementing it in the workplace. We also discuss the Four I model which is similar in execution to the Four D plan, however where the Four D model focuses on individuals and small groups of employees, the Four I model is designed to think one step above that such as upper management and implementing changes throughout the whole structure of the company. Again focusing on management, we explore the appreciative inquiry interview style, workshop participants are taught how to frame positive questions to interviewees, and how to recognize recurring themes that each person shares such as experience and trust. In the module about anticipatory reality we teach participants that imagining a successful future will affect the present, not how to day dream, but to visualize a goal and successfully attain it. We also coach students on avoiding or controlling negative anticipation. Our performance is based on the outcome we want or the goal we want to achieve, with positive imagery we help people to become more flexible and creative, thereby succeeding in their goals. There is much more to appreciative inquiry such as being the seed of change, coaching and managing and the positive core.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction
    Pre workshop review
    Workshop objectives

    2. Appreciating inquiry
    Generating a better future
    Engaging people in positive thought
    Change the person, change the organisation
    Case study

    3. Changing the way you think
    Shifting from “What’s wrong?” to “What’s Right?”
    Holding up successes
    Positive language will affect people’s thinking
    Limit or remove negative phrasing
    Case study

    4. Four D model
    Case study

    5. Four I model
    Case study

    6. Appreciative inquiry interview style
    Framing positive questions
    Solicit positive stories
    Finding what works
    Recognise the recurring themes
    Case study

    7. Anticipatory reality
    Imagining a successful future will affect the present
    Controlling negative anticipation
    Current decisions will be influenced positively
    Base it on data and real examples
    Case study

    8. The power of positive imagery
    Shaping performance with positive imagery
    Being better prepared for adversity
    People are more flexible and creative
    Think of the perfect situation
    Case study

    9. Influencing change through appreciative inquiry
    Using strengths to solve challenges
    Confidence will promote positive change
    Inquiry is a seed of change
    People will gravitate towards what is expected of them
    Case study

    10. Coaching and managing with appreciative inquiry
    Build around what works
    Focus on increases
    Recognise the best in people
    Limit or remove negative comments
    Case study

    11. Creating a positive core
    Best practices
    Peak Experiences
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Appreciative Inquiry Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Appreciative Inquiry Course

    This course is intended for business people and individuals who hold presentations.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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