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Quick Look Course Summary:Employee Motivation Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Employee Motivation Course


    This is a comprehensive course with many methods and tips on how to motivate employees, not to be missed by managers.

    Employee Motivation Course

    Course Outline

    There are several types of tools to become a great motivator. In this management course, we will teach participants five of the most popular and effective models of motivation and then how to bring them together to create a customized motivation program for your company. There is a heavy emphasis on psychology in this course as motivation is a human trait that can be taught. We will begin by defining motivation and both the employer’s role and the employee’s part. We will identify personality types and explain how they fit into a plan for employee motivation. We will refresh our SMART goals and use the method to identify and address issues. The workshop begins by examining Herzberg’s theory of satisfaction and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, two well known theories which explain the role of motivation in the workplace.

    We also address object-oriented theory, the old carrot and the stick theory as well as the newer plant theory. We move on to reinforcement theory and provide a brief history of the theories of Skinner and Thorndike. We will teach participants a valuable skill in behaviour modification in four steps and how this is appropriate in the workplace. We share this valuable skill as a tip in this newsletter.TIP: – Step one: Define the behaviour to be modified. Step two: Record the rate at which that behaviour takes place.-Step three: Change the consequences which result from that behaviour.-Step four: If this does not succeed, change the consequences to a greater or lesser extent.

    In module five participants will learn about Vroom’s expectancy theory. At the core of which increased effort leads to greater performance and increased performance brings about a better outcome. Vroom’s theory may sound simple but he does make specific reference to three variables which cannot be ignored. These variables differ from person to person, making a collective outcome impossible since people are unique. The first variance is the value the individual places on the expected outcome. The second variable is expectancy, different people place varying value on expecting a better outcome from increased profit. The third is instrumentality, or to put it simply, people do what’s best for them. In module six we will discuss the role of personality in motivation. You will identify your own personality and will be taught how to identify different personalities and how personality affects motivation. We move to refresh our knowledge of the SMART method of goal setting and achievement and then we give you your own toolbox so that you can build a customized motivation plan for your company. We wrap things up with a look at morale issues and how to keep motivating yourself.

    1. Introduction
    Workshop objectives
    Pre workshop review

    2. A Psychological approach
    Herzberg’s theory of motivation
    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
    Two models and motivation
    Case study

    3. Object-Oriented Theory
    The carrot
    The Whip
    The Plant
    Case study

    4. Reinforcement therapy
    A short history of the theory
    Behaviour modification in four steps
    Appropriate uses in the workplace
    Case study

    5. Using expectancy theory
    A short history of expectancy theory
    Understanding the three factors
    Using the three factors to motivate in the workplace
    Case study

    6. The role of personality in motivation
    Identifying your personality type
    Identifying others’ personality type
    Motivators by personality type
    Case Study

    7. Setting goals
    Goals and motivation
    Setting SMART Goals
    Evaluating and adapting
    Case study

    8. Personal toolbox
    Building your own motivational plan
    Encouraging growth and development
    Getting others to see the glass half-full
    Case study

    9. Motivation on the job
    The key factors
    Creating a motivational organisation
    Creating a motivational job
    Case study

    10. Addressing specific morale issues
    Dealing with individual morale problems
    Addressing team morale
    What to do when the whole company is de-motivated
    Case study

    11. Keep yourself motivated
    Identifying personal motivators
    Maximising your motivators
    Evaluating and adapting
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Employee Motivation Course

    Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend

    Employee Motivation Course

    This course is intended for managers who lead teams.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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