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Quick Look Course Summary:Master Effective Business Communication & Presentation Skills
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 5 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 28,917.50 EX VAT 3 Person R 20,120.77 EX VAT 10 Person R 13,297.60 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Service Seta Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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Training Advice

    Take the right steps towards leading the discussion

    Mastering effective communication in the workplace is part of every senior manager’s journey.  Achieving a measure of excellence in both oral and written communication techniques is a prerequisite in any leadership capacity.  The ability to lead a discussion, hold formal meetings with confidence, use voice and body language control to create the desired impact on the audience leading to positive outcomes and gather information to generate reports are examples of some of the skills that need to be harnessed.  In a nutshell – leading effectively through getting the right message across.

    This powerful course will help you to master the techniques of business communication in that you will have the confidence and know-how to boldly chair meetings or lead discussion panels, deliver presentations of a high standard and effectively use information gathering techniques to create a wide range of reports.

    Take the right steps towards leading the discussion and enrol now on BOTI’s Master Effective Business Communication & Presentation Skills course.  BOTI offers communication training programmes, communication classes and business communication courses.   BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Course Duration

    2 days

    Lead with communication excellence when you:

    • Develop an in-depth understanding of written and oral communication techniques used in the workplace.
    • Deliver effective presentations.
    • Lead discussions and chair meetings.
    • Generate a variety of workplace reports using various data gathering techniques.
    • Understand and apply communication theories.
    • Understand use of body language.
    • Understand use of voice.
    • Understand use of dress code.

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    Benefits of attending:  Master Effective Business Communication & Presentation Skills course

    Upon successful completion of this course you will have mastered the art of delivering an effective presentation in the following aspects:

    • Effectively communicate technical information.
    • Gathering relevant information with which to compile appropriate content.
    • Systematically analyse information.
    • Identifying the target audience.
    • Structuring reports and presentations in line with the needs of the target audience.
    • Logically and clearly structure presentations and reports to suit the needs of the target audience.
    • Logically and clearly structuring presentations to address relevant issues.
    • Logically, clearly and articulately presenting information in reports and presentations.
    • Techniques for compiling workplace reports.
    • Working with various types of workplace reports.
    • Using various data gathering techniques.
    • The presentation delivery.


    Who should attend

    This course is aimed at managers who are required to lead through effective communication and who are seeking to improve their business communication skills.

    Testimonials from similar courses

    Queen Anne Zondo – DIRCO

    ‘I was motivated, inspired and gained self-confidence.  The benefits of the course will always be cherished.’

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