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Quick Look Course Summary:Developing a Lunch and Learn Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Developing a Lunch and Learn Course: Introduction

    A lunch and learn is not a workshop or a seminar. It works very well to introduce updates, new ideas, and new strategies for marketing. It does not suit training, or new product introduction.

    Developing a Lunch and Learn Course :Course Outline

    Times certainly have changed. Our mothers and grandmothers attended Tupperware parties with very much the same agenda that today’s lunch and learn has. It wasn’t always about the Tupperware, sometimes it was a purely social get together to catch up, today we call that networking. Sometimes it was all about a fabulous new product everyone had to have, and today we use a lunch and learn to introduce a new product or as a refresher from a previous workshop on that product or service. Sometimes it was about the swapping of recipes, today’s lunch and learn is used to swap ideas, or address one specific product or to introduce new content. A lunch and learn can also be a collaboration event, or a follow up to a previous workshop, or a team building exercise. With this workshop we will teach participants what a lunch and learn session is and what it is not. How to set up a session and how to break down afterwards. How to create new content and how to present it. How to address difficult situations and people and how to create useful takeaways. The last goal is how to use feedback to improve further events. A lunch and learn is a low cost option to training refreshers or introducing new ideas and products, it is not a replacement for a training workshop or course, especially mandatory training such as health and safety. Having said that: a lunch and learn is an effective form of add on training.TIP: There will always be people who come just for the food. To weed out those who are not interested in the material, serve the food at the end during your question and answer period or your feedback period. This will ensure that only those interested in the session material will get their free lunch. We end off our workshop on Lunch and Learn by going into detail about best practices, helping you to improve and tweak your lunch and learn session for your audience. We will help you to customize a questionnaire for your participants and we will also help you customize your own program so that your participants know exactly how the session will proceed. A Lunch and Learn can also be a valuable opportunity for upper management to connect with the rest of the company. This could take the form of a question and answer session and lunch and learns are the perfect setting to facilitate communication. We strongly recommend that participants of this workshop also read Silberman, Mel (2005) 101 Ways to Make Training Active. 1. Introduction
    Workshop Objectives

    2. The prep work
    Finding the best location
    Setting up the location
    Focus group
    Case study

    3. Creating content (1)
    Picking the right topic
    Hands on works great
    Stay focused
    Keep it informal
    Case study

    4. Creating content (2)
    Make it interactive
    Review it thoroughly
    Creating a customised presentation
    Back it up
    Case study

    5. During the session
    Ground rules
    Quick opening
    Parking lot
    Adjusting on the fly
    Case study

    6. Food and facilities
    Providing food
    People bringing their own food
    Eat during or after
    Clear up or tear down
    Case study

    7. Take away material
    Handouts and take away material
    Quizzes or self tests
    Websites with minutes and session notes
    Reference material or white paper
    Case study

    8. Difficult situations or people
    Food issues
    Senior management buy in
    People not participating
    Case study

    9. What a lunch and learn is not
    Complicated or serious topics
    Required training
    Replacement for traditional training
    Just a free lunch
    Case study

    10. Best Practices (1)
    Obtain feedback and tweak
    Utilize Star employees
    Provide an agenda ahead of time
    Keep the session casual and loose
    Case study

    11. Best Practices (2)
    Use it as refresher
    Networking opportunity
    Upper management Q and A session
    Put it on a regular schedule
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Developing a Lunch and Learn Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Developing a Lunch and Learn Course

    This course is intended for marketing and sales persons.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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