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Quick Look Course Summary:Mastering Service Level Agreements and Contracts -Non Accredited
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 3 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 12,711.88 EX VAT 3 Person R 10,220.05 EX VAT 10 Person R 7,415.44 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Mastering Service Level Agreements and Contracts

    Course Introduction

    By no means does any business operate in isolation.  A company may provide product and service offerings that rely on other service providers to help them deliver on their customer value proposition.  For instance, a motor vehicle manufacturer relies on various other service providers to supply various parts and components to build complete vehicles.  Service providers first need to be identified and also verified as to their ability to deliver.  Hence, it is therefore necessary to ensure that every service provider delivers to the required standard and during a stipulated timeframe to ensure all round seamless delivery.  One way to do this is to have a service level agreement (SLA) in place with each and every supplier so that appropriate contracts may be drawn up and realistic delivery standards put in place.

    The material covered in the Mastering Service Level Agreements and Contracts course will help you to identify the most appropriate service provision required and to source and select appropriate service providers for your needs as well as verify their ability to make good on their promise.

    BOTI offers business management courses, business training programmes and management programmes.  Book your seat now on BOTI’s Manager Service Level Agreements and Contracts course.  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.


    Non Accredited as a Stand Alone Course

    This unit standard is not offered as an accredited course in isolation- it is either offered as a non-accredited course or as part of:

    We offer a similar course: Mastering Service Provider Management: Optimizing Excellence in Your Organization

    Course Outline

    Manage service providers with a Service Level Agreement in place when you learn how to:

    • Describe the Elements of Service Provider Management
      • Explain the importance of developing and signing contracts with service providers for delivering the final product.
      • Identify different elements of contracts based on organizational requirements.
      • Assess the impact of service providers’ delivery on resource requirements, financial impact, and time.
      • Formulate deliverables from real examples of at least three service providers to a selected organization.
    • Develop Contracts for Service Providers
      • Identify categories of service providers serving a selected organization.
      • List outputs for four categories of service providers, considering their types and organizational requirements.
      • Construct project plans for four service providers to deliver products or services, aligning with organizational requirements.
      • Draw up contracts for four service providers based on the developed project plans and legal requirements.
    • Evaluate the Deliverables of Service Providers
      • Conduct ongoing monitoring of service provision in accordance with the signed contracts.
      • Check the final outputs of service providers for quality and timely delivery, comparing them with the signed contract.
      • Make payments for services based on the signed contracts and satisfactory delivery of products.
    • Manage Service Providers Who Do Not Deliver on Contracts
      • Calculate the cost of lack of delivery and its impact on the business.
      • Conduct an investigation into the reasons for the lack of delivery.
      • Identify different courses of action, considering contractual agreements, legal options, cost implications, and business impact, including contract cancellation and legal action.
      • Implement the identified course of action based on legal obligations and organizational requirements.


    Course Duration

    3 days


    Benefits of attending:  Mastering Service Level Agreements and Contracts course

    Upon successful completion of this course you will have acquired an in-depth understanding of mastering service level agreements and contracts and will have developed your skills in the following areas:

    • Identify and verify the need to contract service providers.
    • Identify the nature of services to be provided with a view to obtaining an outside provider to deliver the service.
    • Inform relevant stakeholders and role players and incorporate their inputs regarding the appropriateness of the need for service providers.
    • Draft basic terms of reference (ToR) to outline the nature of the service provision required.
    • Divide nature of the service provision into relevant clusters in accordance with the nature of the services.
    • Outline specifications for the services required in terms of possible service providers.
    • Sourcing appropriate and relevant service providers.
    • Contract service providers in terms of assessing applications/tenders from the most appropriate service providers.
    • Obtain sign off on the service provider agreement from appropriate authority figure.
    • Advise decision of the appointment team to all tenderers in writing.


    Who is this course suitable for?

    This course is aimed at supervisors, team leaders and managers who are seeking to improve their general management skills.


     Airports Company South Africa Soc (Limited)

    ‘I have benefited a lot.  I will be able to apply some of the learnings daily and in future.  The training was very informative.  I’ve learnt a lot about contracts and over and above that most of the stuff that I have learnt I will be able to apply daily.’


    This Unit Standard course is aligned to Unit Standard 109999: Manage service providers in a selected organisation 

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