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Quick Look Course Summary:Business Writing Skills for Function and Purpose
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 3 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 17,952.50 EX VAT 3 Person R 12,517.61 EX VAT 10 Person R 8,423.70 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Service Seta Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Get writing the right way

    Business Writing Skills for function and Purpose & Effective Meetings

    Duration: 3 Days (Accredited by the Services Seta)        

    Material covers US 12153 NQF Level 4, 5 credits and US 242816 NQF Level 4, 5 Credits 



    Section 1

    US : 12153 Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment; Level 4, 5 credits


    Expert communicators say that the importance of clear, concise communication in business cannot be over-emphasised. Achieving excellence in business writing means that using appropriate grammar conventions, you will, among other things, learn how to check for accuracy and recognize errors, identify the target audience and draft and edit a technical text and present it in different ways using plain language.


    • Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function.
    • Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function.
    • Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing.
    • Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment.
    • Compose a text using plain language for a specific function.
    • Identify and write with the target audience in mind.
    • Draft and edit a technical text.

    Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

    • Applying correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling to a business text.
    • Applying the correct use of business terminology to specific communication pieces.
    • How to ensure that the communication style is appropriate for the target audience taking care not to use inappropriate or offensive language and terminology.
    • How to present the same information in different ways.
    • Checking the information to ensure factual accuracy.
    • How to appropriately structure information to ensure a logical flow throughout the text.
    • How to apply correct use of message tone.
    • How to avoid the use of inappropriate technical terms and jargon.
    • How to apply the conventions of plain language to enhance readability.
    • How to proof read the text to ensure correctness.
    • How to apply correct use of layout and formatting techniques to enhance readability.
    • Applying industry and legislative requirements to texts as appropriate.


    Section 2

    US 242816 Conduct a structured meeting Level 4, 5 Credits :


    Module 1: Preparing for a Meeting

    • Identify the necessary physical arrangements and attendees required for a meeting.
    • Create a checklist based on Standard Operating Procedures and action it to ensure preparedness.
    • Explain the purpose and significance of an agenda, including expected meeting outcomes.
    • Understand the process of placing items on the agenda and the roles of participants in adhering to Standard Operating Procedures.
    • Highlight the importance of recording a meeting in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.
    • Verify the accuracy and completeness of required meeting documents and distribute them following established procedures.
    • Review and validate the minutes of the previous meeting for accuracy and completeness.

    Module 2: Conducting an Effective Meeting

    • Skillfully conduct a meeting following a pre-planned agenda or Standard Operating Procedures.
    • Create a conducive environment that encourages effective participation from all meeting attendees.
    • Summarize discussions during the meeting and record proposed actions, completion dates, and responsible persons.
    • Ensure clarity and accountability in documenting meeting outcomes.

    Module 3: Managing Differing Views in a Meeting

    • Identify techniques to address potential lack of progress due to differing opinions during a meeting, based on recognized theories and practices.
    • Apply effective techniques to facilitate progress and consensus-building during the meeting.
    • Foster an atmosphere of collaboration and constructive dialogue to reach mutually beneficial outcomes.

    Module 4: Distributing Meeting Records

    • Compile meeting records in a structured manner to enable seamless implementation of decisions.
    • Thoroughly review meeting records to ensure their accuracy and alignment with discussed outcomes before distribution.
    • Conduct a post-meeting review to identify areas for improvement and enhance the effectiveness of future meetings.
    • Implement suggested improvements to optimize meeting outcomes and productivity

    Testimonials from similar courses

    Jonathan Baloyi – Dariel Solutions

    ‘I learnt how to differentiate between good and bad emails and how to write professional emails. Learning about the structure of the email really went well for me and the words appropriate for an email. The best thing about this course was getting to know that I have been writing bad emails without realizing that I was wrong.’

    AirChefs Soc Ltd

    “Facilitator would provide relevant examples to give clarity to a newly learned concept. Sessions were clear and straight to the point.”


    Phumulela Gaming And Leisure Ltd

    “I now know the use and features in Business Writing and understand how to use them appropriately. Concise and to the point writing gives maximum impact and understanding”.



    “I am able to write concise minutes and the importance of an agenda to an effective meeting.” “Never take for granted the importance of body language and how it can affect communication”.


    “The entire course went well for me!  Thank you BOTi for the opportunity to learn the latest methods in meeting minute taking!”

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