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Quick Look Course Summary:Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment (Generic Management)
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  • Length: 3 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 17,952.50 EX VAT 3 Person R 12,517.61 EX VAT 10 Person R 8,423.70 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment (Generic Management)

    (This Unit Standard course is aligned to: Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management)

    SAQA I.D. 57712 NQF Level: NQF Level 04

    Unit Standard: 12153 and 242840

    Number of credits:  7


    Enroll now for a business communication class or communication skills classes.  BOTI offers effective communication training courses.  Book your seat now on BOTI’s Unit Standard course: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment .  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Course outline

    The purpose of the unit standard requires you to follow a process in writing texts and reports essential to business. It is intended to promote clear, unambiguous communication in plain language and to improve the quality of written reports and other texts that are specific to a business environment, require a particular format and may also include specified legislated requirements. The unit standard enables you to recognise and effectively use textual conventions and features specific to business texts.  This course takes you one step further and also covers points on how to make effective oral presentations from written text.

    Upon successful completion of this course you will become adept at:

    • recognising errors and checking for accuracy
    • identifying the intended audience for the communication
    • drafting and editing a technical text
    • using plain language in business
    • identifying the purpose of a text
    • selecting the appropriate text type, format and layout for the purpose
    • using textual features and conventions specific to texts
    • organising and structuring a technical text appropriately
    • using appropriate grammar conventions
    • presenting the same information in different ways
    • Use verbal/oral communication skills to make effective presentations
    • Use verbal/oral communication skills to effectively rean an audience
    • Use and maintain good poise during a presentation
    • Handle questions and effectively overcome any objections

    Prior learning requirements

    There is open access to this unit standard. Learners should be competent in Communication at level 3.

    Enroll now for a business communication class or communication skills classes.  BOTI offers effective communication training courses.  Book your seat now on BOTI’s Unit Standard course: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment .  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Unit standard range

    The typical scope of these unit standards are:

    • Over complex syntax refers to long constructions and inappropriate use of the passive voice.
    • The audience may be internal for use within an organisation or external for wider publication.
    • Texts specific to a particular function in a business context include sector specific documents; written comparisons of products; reports on specifics of cover; historical reviews over a period of cover; claims reports; explanations of how changes in legislation will impact on the rules of the fund or pension benefit; financial needs analyses; financial plans; reports to investors; reports to statutory bodies; customised insurance policies; statistical reports; actuarial reports; promotional proposals and other texts used within the sector and field of learning.
    • Appropriate use of layout includes visual presentation, headings, bullets, numbering and other layout features, appropriate phrasing for headings, stem sentence and phrases match where bullets are used.
    • Different ways of presenting the same information include text, graphs, tables, flow charts and diagrams.
    • Effectively interacting with the audience in such a way as to promote the presentation process to build goodwill.
    • How to plan and prepare for the presentation


    Course outcomes

    • Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function.
    • Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function
    • Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing.
    • Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment.
    • Compose a text using plain language for a specific function.
    • Effectively use oral/verbal communication when doing a presentation

    Enroll now for a business communication class or communication skills classes.  BOTI offers effective communication training courses.  Book your seat now on BOTI’s Unit Standard course: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment .  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment

    SAQA I.D. 57712 NQF Level: NQF Level 04

    Unit Standard: 12153 and 242840

    Course duration

    3 days


    Who should attend: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment course

    This course is aimed at those who wish to expand and improve their knowledge of business communication.




    Core 57712 Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management Level 4 NQF Level 04 Reregistered 2018-06-30 As per Learning Programmes recorded against this Qual


    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

    IMPORTANT ACTION: Do Not Wait To Improve Your Skills.  

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    Enroll now for a business communication class or communication skills classes.  BOTI offers effective communication training courses.  Book your seat now on BOTI’s Unit Standard course: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment .  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    BOTI also offers:  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues (Generic Management)

    Represent, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2- and 3- dimensional space in different contexts (Generic Management)

    Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts


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