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Quick Look Course Summary:Proposal Writing Training – BOTi Essential Course
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  • Length: 2 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 8,761.25 EX VAT 3 Person R 6,937.02 EX VAT 10 Person R 5,067.28 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Course Introduction

    This comprehensive Proposal Writing Course takes participants from cover to cover in writing great proposals.

    Course Outline

    • THE PURPOSE OF A PROPOSAL: A proposal is a sales pitch for your product or service. It outlines a problem that the customer has and points out a product or service as a solution.
    • IDENTIFYING DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROPOSALS: There are four main types, these types can and do overlap at times. The four basic types are the technical proposal which defines the technical requirements for a project. The sales proposal is usually written to convince a new customer to purchase a product or service. A cost proposal is an outline of estimated costs for a specific project. A professional service proposal is a type of proposal which focuses on offering a professional service such as public relations or marketing.
    • THE PROCESS OF WRITING A PROPOSAL: A proposal should have a single goal for example to sell a product; it should also identify the target market and contain a needs analysis and a goal statement.
    • PREPARE A PROPOSAL OUTLINE: After the research has been done a framework can be created. Depending on the complexity of the proposal there could be a number of headings, we suggest between two and five. A general format proposal will include the following: Cover letter, title page, proprietary notice, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, the body (with major and minor headings), summary and conclusion, bibliography. The outline will also include special sections.
    • TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILLS: The obvious first technique is to focus on spelling and grammar. Next is style (which is subjective) and sentence construction, we recommend downloading William Strunk, Jr The Elements of Style,, 1999. It is an English language standard still taught from today. Persuasive writing is another technique to use, in the writing profession this is known as baiting the hook. The hook would be the title, the hook is baited by the content of the proposal, clear sentences, clear paragraphs, and clear points. Create strong transitions and build to the conclusion.
    • WRITING THE PROPOSAL: It is useful to include a benefit analysis and an organisational impact statement for a professional proposal. Make use of illustrations and charts when necessary.
    • PROOFREAD AND EDIT PROPOSAL: When proofreading you are not reading to understand, to spot mistakes read one word in one line at a time. Try reading from the bottom of the page as well, anything that slows your eyes down to one word at a time. While most mistakes should be picked up by spell check on a computer, it is prudent to have a -good words- list, especially if the proposal includes technical terms or terms in another language, Latin for example. If all else fails there are plenty freelance editors on the internet.
    • TIP: FINAL TOUCHES: Use a maximum of two fonts, one for headings and one for the body. Use a consistent formatting theme throughout the proposal. Stick to common fonts, Arial; Calibri or Times New Roman. No, really… stick to common fonts. Use font effects sparingly. Changing fonts and font effects serves to slow the eye down and jerk across the page. The idea behind flow or readability is to keep the eye moving smoothly from left to right and the brain will process the information more quickly.
    • THE FINAL PACKAGE: Print the proposal in colour, use quality paper, make sure the pages are in order and put the proposal into a professional looking binder.

    Course Outline

    • Introduction
      Pre workshop review
      Workshop objectives


    • Understanding proposals
      The writing process
      Types of proposals
      Requests for proposals
      Case study


    • Beginning the writing process
      Your purpose and your audience
      Needs analysis
      Goal statement
      Case study


    • The Outline
      General format
      Special sections
      Creating a framework
      Case study


    • Finding facts
      Identifying resources
      Internet as a resource
      Organising information
      Case study


    • Writing skills
      Spelling and grammar
      Working with words
      Constructing sentences
      Persuasive writing
      Mastering voice
      Case study


    • Writing skills
      Creating paragraphs
      Creating strong transitions
      Building to conclusions
      Case study


    • Writing the proposal
      Educating the evaluator
      Ghosting the competition
      Using illustrations
      Case study


    • Checking for readability
      Checking for clarity
      Reading for your audience
      Using the readability index
      Case study


    • Proofreading and editing
      Proofreading like a pro
      Editing techniques
      Checking the facts
      Peer review
      Case study


    • Adding the final touches
      Top typesetting tips
      Professional look and feel
      The final package
      Case study


    • Topics not discussed
      Post workshop overview

    Course Duration

    2 day/s

    Who should attend

    The Proposal Writing Couorse is intended for employees and managers who write proposals.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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