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Quick Look Course Summary:Anger Management Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type:Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Anger Management Course: Introduction
- Anger is an emotion just like any other, however: anger when it not controlled, is destructive to oneself and everybody else.
- By managing anger appropriately, we have less conflict with others and we remove the boundaries of what we can accomplish.
- Anger is not a bad emotion and it serves its purpose by focusing our attention.
- If managed constructively anger can be a valuable asset. In our anger management workshop
Anger Management Classes (Anger Management Courses Cape Town, Anger Management Workshop ) participants will learn the anger cycle, what triggers their anger and teach participants coping techniques to turn anger into a positive tool.
Anger Management Course: Course Outline
- In this workshop (Anger Management Classes, Anger Management Courses Cape Town, Anger Management Workshop ) we give our participants a pre-assignment review form which they are asked to fill in and then at the end of the workshop we compare the initial responses to the responses after learning.
- This is a valuable tool for participants because they can see immediate change once they have learned about anger and coping successfully with anger.
- We teach our students what the anger cycle is and we deal with the phases of anger in detail.
- For instance ‘what is the body’s response to anger?
- We explore common myths about anger such as the myth that anger is a bad emotion.
- Students learn that anger is instinctive and we show them the do’s and don’ts in responding to anger.
- We take an in-depth look at helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger.
- In this course the activities sheets are very important as participants will use them to learn how to gain control of anger, the physical signs, the mental signs and the emotional signs.
- One of the ways we teach our students to control anger is by using coping thoughts; another way is using relaxation techniques. Both are in the participants workbook so they get to take home these skills and develop and apply them.
- Our students are taught that anger isn’t personal and are shown how to separate the people from the issue.
- Now that we understand what anger is, we look at ways to dissipate anger like using constructive disagreement.
- As a group we develop problem solving solutions relevant to the group and discuss choosing a solution and possible obstacles.
- TIP: Pushing your buttons? Close your eyes and breathe, then count from one to ten while feeling the anger drain from your body into the floor. When you open your eyes, you are in control not your anger and you are already thinking of alternatives to whatever or whoever pushed your buttons.
- Each participant will draw up their own personal anger plan which focuses on identifying triggers and de-escalation.
- We encourage students to keep an anger log to monitor their behaviour and how it changes when applying the techniques taught in anger management.
- It’s also a good way to blow off some steam.
- The course also touches on I-messages and students learn de-escalation skills.
- Another skill is using the triple A approach which we also teach to our students, the feedback from this simple technique has been tremendous.
- We don’t forget to teach participants how to deal with angry people and here again the de-escalation techniques come in handy along with knowledge about the energy curve. We round off the course by showing students how the different techniques come together.
Key Topics Covered Include:
- Separate the People from the Problem
- Objective vs. Subjective Language
- Identifying the Problem
- Using ‘I’ Messages
- Working on the Problem
- Using Constructive Disagreement
- Negotiation Tips
- Building Consensus
- Identifying Solutions
- The Cycle of Anger
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Unhelpful Ways of Dealing with Anger
- Fight or Flight
- Common Myths
- Helpful Ways of Dealing with Anger
- Warnings
- Utilizing Coping Thoughts
- Utilizing Relaxation Techniques
- Blowing off Some Steam
- Solving the Problem
- Choosing a Solution
- Making a Plan
- Getting it Done
- Dealing with Angry People
- Understanding the Energy Curve
- De-Escalation Techniques
- When to Back Away and What To Do Next
- A Personal Plan
- Understanding Hot Buttons
- Identifying Your Hot Buttons
- A Personal Anger Log
- The Triple A Approach (Alter, Avoid, Accept)
Anger Management Course: Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend: Anger Management Course
This is a self-enrichment course (Anger Management Classes, Anger Management Courses Cape Town, Anger Management Workshop) for those wanting to improve their control over anger.
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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