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Quick Look Course Summary:Measuring Results From Training Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Measuring Results From Training Course
Course Introduction
This course will teach participants how to evaluate the results from training employees.
Course Outline
Training employees is a long term investment in that employee. The cost is not only measured in rands but by the value the employee adds to the company. Some training has an immediate benefit because the employees can immediately employ their new skills to the business environment and the results of the training can be seen in the bottom line. Other kinds of training, such as soft skills, do not impact the bottom line as immediately; their value can be seen over a long term view with regards to staff turnover and new customers. You’ve sent you employee on a training course, and the person has come back with a positive attitude ready to take on new tasks and responsibilities. How do you as the employer know that the training was successful and that you got your money’s worth? BOTI’s workshop on measuring training effectively is here to help you. We begin our workshop with Kolbe’s learning styles, knowing an employee’s learning can make a difference in the cost to the company to train that individual, since not all workshops and courses are alike. Matching the correct employee to the correct style of training is thus a further investment.
Kirkpatrick created a triangle for evaluation, each level of the triangle correspond loosely with Kolbe’s learning styles. It contains four levels and each level is based on the level before it. In order to get results, participants must have a pleasant experience with the first three. Evaluation of the training can begin immediately by noting the employee’s behaviour in implementation of skills and knowledge.TIP: Learning objectives generally fall into one of three categories: Knowledge and facts that a participant should be able to remember. Skills and a new task that the participant should be able to perform. Ability: the combination of skills and knowledge evident in results. After performing a needs assessment we will discuss evaluation methods and learn how to write learning objectives and link them to the evaluation. An evaluation plan should be linked to every training program. The evaluation plan should include evaluation during and directly after training by either the trainer or direct supervisor, this would be an informal type of evaluation. Once the trainee sets his or her goals and objectives, more formal evaluation can take place after training based on the employee’s performance. We round off our course by showing attendants how to calculate training in the terms of ROI or return on investment. It is useful and practical and provides evidence to the employer that the current training is working and is an investment to the company or, that it’s not working and in which case the employer can back track along the line of evaluation to find the specific training or program.
1. Introduction
Pre workshop review
Workshop objectives
2. Kolb’s learning styles
Four-stage process
Case study
3. Kirkpatrick’s levels of education
Case study
4. Types of measurement tools
Goal setting
Peer evaluation
Supervisor Evaluations
High-Level Evaluations
Case study
5. Focusing the training
Performing a needs assessment
Creating learning objectives
Drilling Down into content
Case study
6. Creating an evaluation plan
What to evaluate
When it should be completed
How it should be done
Who will perform the evaluation
Case study
7. Assessing learning before training
Workplace observation
Objectives Assessment
Pre-assignment and pre-tests
Case study
8. Assessing learning during training
Reviewing Learning objectives
Hip-Pocket Assessments
Quizzes and tests
Skill assessments
Case study
9. Assessing learning after training
Evaluation timelines
Learning Journal
Goal setting
Additional methods of evaluation
Case study
10. The long term view
Long term evaluation plan
Methods of evaluation
Documenting lessons learned
Case study
11. Calculating the return on investment
A basic ROI formula
Tangible Benefits
Intangible Benefits
Calculating total costs
Making a business case
Case study
12. Topics not discussed
Post workshop overview
For Kirkpatrick Evaluation Training and training evaluation courses contact BOTI today!
Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend
This is a managerial course intended to give managers the skills to measure results from training.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
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