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Quick Look Course Summary:Being A Likeable Boss Training
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Being A Likeable Boss: Course Introduction

    Developing good rapport with your employees can take you far!

    A likeable boss is not necessarily someone you would invite to the team braai. That person, however, is liked by you and your team because they are respected. A boss can have nothing going for them personality wise, but if they treat their employees with respect, truthfulness and are willing to adhere to the same standards and ethics they require from employees, they can’t really go wrong. They might still not be invited to the braai though. With our course we aim to improve good qualities participants already have, like leadership and help them improve their interpersonal skills.

    Being A Likeable Boss: Course Outline

    It is important to every company for their managerial level employees to develop better managerial skills. This workshop is intended for managers and prospective or potential managers and can be completed separately or together with the workshops on Appreciative Inquiry and Assertiveness and self confidence.

    We aim to give a fully rounded course in managerial skills in this workshop. Possibly the most important key to being a likeable boss is being a boss employees know they can trust, both with company issues or co-worker issues or even personal and emotional issues.

    A boss who has no empathy isn’t a very likable boss. In this workshop we will teach students how to gain the trust of their employees and thereby their respect. But trust is a two-way street, trust like respect does not come automatically with the job, it must be earned. We will help participants to develop leadership qualities and teach them how to delegate instead of micro-manage. We also teach participants to identify skills in each member of the team so that the person best suited for a particular job, is doing that job.

    Developing a team is such an important managerial skill that we spend two modules identifying the skills and strengths of each team member as well as identifying the roles that each member of the team plays.

    TIP: Dr. Meredith R. Belbin describes in her 2012 book: Team Roles At Work, nine team roles that can make up a balanced and effective team.

    Some of the other skills taught in this workshop are goal setting and how to get your team to buy into that goal. We also help managers identify their core values and their company’s core values and assist potential manager in setting up a mission statement for themselves and those they lead. We spend a module looking in depth at the pentad, which is used in journalism and how it can be changed to suit the business market.

    Most questions and obstacles in business can be answered by the pentad method. The workshop also spends time on the emotional aspect of the boss and his or her team, identifying the modes of behaviour and roles team members play, we include a module on meditation because a clear mind is needed for a clear focus. At this point participants will know how to manage others effectively and productively so we round off our workshop by focusing on the boss.

    1. Introduction – Workshop objectives

    2. Is it better to be loved or feared?
    The case for fear
    The case for love
    The case against either
    The Middle ground
    Case study

    3. Leadership as service
    Top-down hierarchies
    A lateral perspective
    Know your employees
    Genuine empathy and the power to lead
    Case study

    4. Leadership by design
    Begin with the end in mind
    Setting goals
    Determining values
    Mission statement
    Case study

    5. Understanding motivation
    The Pentad
    Guilt and redemption
    Case study

    6. Constructive criticism
    Your intentions
    A positive vision of success
    Feedback sandwich
    Following up
    Case study

    7. Importance of tone
    Lighting a fire
    Calming a storm
    Adult versus parent
    Changing the script
    Case study

    8. Trusting your team
    Dangers of micromanaging
    Delegation and anxiety
    Aces in their places
    Celebrating success
    Case study

    9. Earning the trust of your team
    Case study

    10. Building and reinforcing your team
    Identifying team strengths and weaknesses
    Identify team roles
    Design exercises with specific goals
    What to avoid
    Case study

    11. You are the boss of you
    What kind of person would you follow?
    Keeping your balance
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Lessons learned
    Post workshop overview

    Being A Likeable Boss: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Being A Likeable Boss Course: Who should attend

    This course is intended for potential managers and new managers.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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