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Quick Look Course Summary:Manager Management Course
  • Next Public Course Date: 6 November 2019

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Manager Management Course: Introduction

    This workshop is intended for managers who need to introduce new managers to the company.

    Manager Management Course :Course Outline

    Whether the new manager is climbing the ranks of the company or is brought in from outside the company, a certain amount of grooming is imperative to the new manager’s success. This workshop is intended for managers who need to introduce new managers to the company. Coaching can be essential and helpful; however some newbie’s find themselves throttled instead. It’s important to know your manager’s style and personality, so as to assist them while still giving them the space and responsibility for the job. The best way to do this is by regular and timely feedback, and everything that applies to feedback such as praise and criticism, having an open door policy, and offering advice not giving solutions. Do measure your new manager’s performance and check that they stay within the budget. Your goals and your manager’s goals should be the same, if they differ, then at least the vision for the company should be the same. Set measurable, yet realistic objectives for the new manager to achieve, and again, give feedback regularly. It will be easy to spot poor management through objectives and feedback, if the new manager consistently misses deadlines, has a high team member turn over and you begin to lose customers, then it’s time to reign them in and have a long talk. The other side of having a long talk is ensuring that the candidate is motivated and has the necessary resources, team, etcetera to achieve objectives. If the manager is doing well, consider a bonus or extra incentive and do give credit where it’s due.TIP: Handing over responsibility to a new manager is like handing over your baby to a stranger – some managers can’t help but fall into the hole of micro-management. Avoid that hole, trust your team and promote honest and open communication. Lastly, reward initiative. We will explore overcoming the obstacle when employees complain their managers, such as keeping information confidential. Gathering information about the problem from both employees and the manager concerned. We discuss how to delegate and or mediate the situation and find a solution that suits both parties. Again, feedback from both sides is important after the mediation process. We end off our course with some examples of when it is necessary for the boss to step in, for instance in unsafe and dangerous events, or when the actions of an employee or manager could have legal ramifications. The boss would also step in if the budget is blown or if the manager repeatedly fails after being coached. Lastly, we refresh our minds about the qualities a new manager should have. 1. Introduction
    Workshop objectives

    2. Grooming a new manager
    Set specific goals
    Create a shared vision
    More responsibility
    Case study

    3. Coaching and mentoring (1)
    Writing performance reviews
    Provide feedback
    Praise in public, criticise in private
    Make sure your door is open
    Case study

    4. Coaching and mentoring (2)
    Offer advice
    Create a supportive environment
    Build ownership
    360 Degree feedback
    Case study

    5. Measuring Performance
    Staying within budget
    Measurable objectives
    Skip level feedback
    Collaborate on criteria to be evaluated
    Case study

    6.Motivating managers
    Provide resources
    Bonuses and incentives
    Credit for good work
    Keep them challenged
    Case study

    7. Signs of poor management
    Missed deadlines
    Team turnover
    Losing customers
    Little or no growth
    Case study

    8. Trust your team of managers
    Do not micromanage
    Promote open communication
    Reward initiative
    Trust, but verify
    Case study

    9. Employee complaints
    Keep information confidential
    Gather information from both sides
    Coach or delegate the solution
    Follow up
    Case study

    10. Intervention from senior management
    Unsafe or dangerous events
    Legal ramifications
    Severe financial costs
    Repeated failures after coaching
    Case study

    11. Basic qualities
    Confidence in ability
    Practice what you preach
    Open door
    Their success is your success
    Case study

    12. Topics not discussed
    Post workshop overview

    Manager Management Course: Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend: Manager Management Course

    This course is for managers who want to improve their style of management.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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