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Quick Look Course Summary:Build Winning Teams to Achieve Company Objectives
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 2 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 12,470.00 EX VAT 3 Person R 8,716.03 EX VAT 10 Person R 5,986.76 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Service Seta Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Lay the foundations for building a winning team

    Build Winning Teams to Achieve Company Objectives

    Your role as a manager involves managing people in terms of one on one relationships as well as supervising teams.  All business activities rely on efficient and dedicated teams of people who are responsible to carry out assigned tasks to achieve company goals and objectives.  In light of this, the word ‘TEAM’ as an acronym has come to be known as Together Everyone Achieves More.    Building winning teams to ensure that everyone does, in fact, achieve more overall is a key element in keeping things on track.

    This enlightening course will help you to develop a formula for building winning teams.  You will learn about the theory of teams and the importance of teams in the workplace and apply the theory of teams to team dynamics.  You will also be guided as to how to evaluate team effectiveness and suggest improvements where necessary and analyse the role of the team leader as it pertains to enhancing team effectiveness.

    Your formula for building winning teams is revealed when you enrol now on BOTI’s Build winning teams to achieve company objectives course.  BOTI offers mgment training programmes, leadership training and management classes.   BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Course Duration

    2 days

    Lay the foundations for building a winning team when you:

    • Learn about the theory of teams and the importance of teams in workplace activities.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of a team and propose ways to improve team effectiveness.
    • Acquire an understanding of the process of building teams.
    • Apply the theory of teams to team dynamics.
    • Analyse the role of a team leader in promoting team effectiveness.
    • Develop an understanding of the different types of teams.
    • Understand the reasons for disagreements and conflicts that could disrupt the functioning of the team.
    • Understand what is meant by cross-functional and virtual teams.


    Benefits of attending:  Build winning teams to achieve company objectives course

    Upon successful completion of this course you will have acquired the necessary skills to build winning teams including:

    • Comparing the characteristics of a team with those of a group.
    • Understanding the different types of teams with respect to their unique roles and characteristics.
    • How winning teams contribute towards company goals.
    • Apply the theory of teams to team dynamics in terms of reasons for conflict or disagreements that may affect the functioning of the team.
    • How the different types of teams such as cross-functional and virtual teams pose unique challenges.
    • Understand the process of building a team taking account human behaviours that drive the different stages involved in the process.
    • Analyse the role of the team leader in terms of improving team effectiveness and the impact the various leadership styles have on team performance.
    • Manage team dynamics and conflict by using techniques based on promoting trust, cohesion, creativity and productivity.
    • Measure team effectiveness against a benchmark of characteristics of those considered to be high performing teams and develop an action plan for improving overall team effectiveness.

    Who is this course suitable for?

    This course is aimed at supervisors, team leaders and junior managers who manage a team.

    Your formula for building winning teams is revealed when you enrol now on BOTI’s Build winning teams to achieve company objectives course.  BOTI offers mgment training programmes, leadership training and management classes.   BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Testimonials from similar courses

    Mini Mokoena – Department of Economic, Small Business, Development & Environmental Affairs

    ‘The course was not only about work but it was also about personal changes.  The content in the presentation was excellent.  The best thing about this course was the focus on work and changing individual lives. ‘

    Mpho Malakoane – Department of Economic, Small Business, Development & Environmental Affairs

    ‘This course confirmed my realization for a need to make changes in my life to positively change my future.  What went well for me were the presentations and the ability to interact with all the participants.  The best thing about this course was the instructor’s drive to go beyond and exceed my expectations.’

    Michelle Selo – – Department of Economic, Small Business, Development & Environmental Affairs

    ‘Through interactions and disccussions I learnt the importance of good leadership in taking an organization forward.  What went well for me was the fact that the training was very interactive thus allowing every individual to voice their opinions on matters.  The best thing about this course was the manner in which it was presented, it was very practical.  Thank you very much Jaini for opening my eyes on a lot of issues, this has been very beneficial training.’


    This Unit Standard course is aligned to Unit Standard 252037:  Build teams to achieve goals and objectives

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