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Quick Look Course Summary:Qualification Title: National Certificate: New Venture Creation (SMME)
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 30 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 69,485.85 EX VAT 3 Person R 45,447.03 EX VAT 10 Person R 31,637.99 EX VAT

  • Certification Type:Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Qualification Title: National Certificate: NewVenture Creation (SMME)

    SAQA I.D. 49648
    NQF Level: NQF Level 02
    Credits: 138

    This is an accredited course

    Course duration:  24 contact days over 12 months

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME).  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME).  BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    “Businesses great and small”

    What you will learn

    BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME) course is designed for those with an entrepreneurial thirst and forms the basis for structured programmes for potential and existing entrepreneurs to capitalize on opportunities to start and grown sustainable businesses that form part of the mainstream economy.

    The future of South Africa’s economy does not only lie in the formal sector, but also within the informal SMME sector and is a growing part of South Africa’s economy that requires substantial focus from a developmental perspective.

    Course outcomes

    Upon completion of this course you will be able to effectively:

    • Understand and apply basic business ethics in a work environment
    • Understand and apply the basic skills of customer service
    • Behave in a professional manner in the business environment
    • Determine the financial requirements of a new venture
    • Identify as well as demonstrate entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME)

    • Identify the composition of a selected new venture’s industry and sector and its procurement systems
    • Manage business operations
    • Manage the finances for a new venture
    • Manage the marketing and selling processes of a new venture
    • Match new venture opportunity to market needs
    • Develop and produce a business plan for a new venture
    • Access and use information from written text

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME)

    BOTI offers business training programmes across South Africa.

    • Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life-related problems
    • Demonstrate an understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems
    • Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3- dimensional shapes within different contexts
    • Maintain and adapt oral communication
    • Use correct language and communication in occupational learning programmes
    • Apply mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME)

    • Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems
    • Write for a defined context
    • Investigate the structure of an organization as a workplace
    • Operate and take care of equipment in an office environment
    • Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance
    • Co-ordinate meetings, minor events and travel arrangements
    • Plan and prepare meeting communications
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, one’s own organisation and a specific workplace
    • Tender for business or work in a selected new venture

    Learn about entrepreneurship in south africa, develop your entrepreneurial new venture skills with a new venture creation level 2 qualification.  Enrol now on BOTI’s New Venture Creation Basics Course (SMME)

    Who is this course suitable for?

    This course is designed for potential and aspiring entrepreneurs and is suitable  for those who intend to set up or have already set up their own ventures.


    Apply basic business ethics in a work environment113924, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 2
    Apply the basic skills of customer service114974, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 2
    Behave in a professional manner in a business environment114959, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 4
    Determine financial requirements of a new venture119666, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 8
    Identify and demonstrate entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities119673, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 7
    Identify the composition of a selected new venture's industry/sector and its procurement systems119667, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 8
    Manage business operations119668, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 8
    Manage finances for a new venture119674, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 10
    Manage marketing and selling processes of a new venture119672, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 7
    Match new venture opportunity to market needs119669, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 6
    Produce a business plan for a new venture119670, Core, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 8
    Access and use information from texts8963, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 5
    Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems9009, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 3
    Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems7480, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 3
    Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts9008, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 3
    Maintain and adapt oral communication8962, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 5
    Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes8967, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 5
    Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life7469, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 2
    Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems9007, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 5
    Write for a defined context8964, Fundamental, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 5
    Operate and take care of equipment in an office environment114976, Elective, Level 2, NQF Level 02, Cr 2
    Administer contracts for a selected new venture119671, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 10
    Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance13912, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 5
    Co-ordinate meetings, minor events and travel arrangements13929, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 3
    Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, own organisation and a specific workplace13915, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 4
    Plan and prepare meeting communications13934, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 4
    Tender for business or work in a selected new venture119712, Elective, Level 3, NQF Level 03, Cr 8

    Other Possible Advantage of Registering a Learnership

    The above qualifications, not automatically but subject to further requirements, can be registered as a “Learnership” (a workplace-based practical qualifications).

    Tax Incentives

    If the above qualification is registered as a learnership (see link for various requirements), the employer can claim a tax allowance of R40,000 (R60,000 for disability) per year . The employer can claim a R40,000 “completion allowance” for NQF level 1-6 (R60,000 for disability).

    BBBEE Incentives

    By implementing Learnerships you can contribute to gaining up to 8 BBBEE points (4 points for meeting the employee and unemployed learner requirements), plus an additional 5 bonus points for employing successful Learnership graduates (if applicable). Ensure you meet your Total Spend and Disabled Learner Spend targets, and earn 25/20 points for your Skills Development Criteria.


    Try the Employment Tax Incentive. Ensure your learners are between the ages of 18-35 and they qualify you for up to 50% rebate on paid wages (limited to wages of no more than R 6 000 per month) through your monthly PAYE returns. If you pay your new learner R 2 000 per month (recommended minimum), you get R 1 000 back – per month

    Skills Development Levy

    The remuneration iro of the salaries of a learner will be exempt from Skills Development Levies.

    Grant Funding

    Learnerships are one of the easiest ways to attract funding, whether through SETA funding or other government-sponsored projects, funding for the costs incurred, are available to your organisation.


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