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Quick Look Course Summary:Motivating Your Sales Team Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Motivating Your Sales Team Course
Course Introduction
Our motivating sales team course is intended for managers in sales and marketing who are interested in motivating their sales teams to a higher level.
Motivating Your Sales Team Course
Course Outline
Our motivating sales team course is intended for managers in sales and marketing who are interested in motivating their sales teams to a higher level. The first thing we teach participants is how to create a motivated environment. The environment means training your team, reproducing best business practices from industry leaders and tailoring your training to your team’s intrinsic needs. Communication is key here and good communication requires frequent group meetings. It also means frequent one on one meetings and an open door policy to all team members. Know your team, know their strengths and their weaknesses both individually and as a collective. Make sure that the opportunity to develop in areas needing development is available. Frequent feedback from the team is necessary for communication. Training is indispensable and there should be a focus on ongoing training and development. Peer training is equally important and gives team members the chance to be leaders, we cannot exaggerate the benefits of mentoring and the result of good mentoring. It is important to keep the focus of the team positive.
The key to motivation is reward; rewards come in may come in different forms and individual team members will prioritise different rewards. Rards can be tangible such as certificates on completion of training, or individual or team trophies at the year endew. Reward can mean recognition for initiative, or recognition for consistently excellent productivity. Some team members may attach more value to financial rewards, such as bonuses or pay increases especially if the team works on a minimum salary for commission basis. Lastly team members working long hours may regard time off or free time as a reward. A motivational environment is one in which achievements are regularly acknowledged, achievements can be reaching or exceeding a sales target, landing new clients, situational leadership, peer mentoring and achievement of team goals.TIP: Wal-Mart have an excellent recognition system that works from the bottom up, they give the employee’s peers a chance to share the recognition and their system works from the bottom up. Not every achievement needs to be recognised publically but ideally there should be some way of acknowledging achievements by the company. Depending on the size of the company this could happen in meetings or at an annual award ceremony. Do encourage documentation of recognition by the employee (the Go You! File) which the employee can present at the annual performance meeting. We round off our course with an overview of training sales teams.
Key outcomes of the course include:
Component 1: Starting Out
Housekeeping matters and administration
Pre-Assignment Assessment
program Objectives
The Parking Area
activity Plan
Component 2: Making A Motivational Environment
Frequent Team Check-Ins
Train Your Team
Emulate Best methods
1 Size Does Not Fit All!
Training Example
Component 2: Assessment Queries
Component 3: Communicate to inspire
Regular Group Meetings
Regular 1 on 1 Meetings
Concentrate On Strengths as well as Development Areas
Ask for suggestions
Training Example
Component 3: Assessment Queries
Component 4: Train Your Team
Concentrate On Training as well as Development
Peer Training
Keep the Focus Positive!
Training Example
Component 4: Assessment Queries
Component 5: Emulate Best methods
Look to Industry Leaders
Solicit Team Member Suggestions
Take a Field Trip!
Leverage Outside Expertise
Training Example
Component 5: Assessment Queries
Component 6: supply Tools
The Right Tools
Ask Team Members Exactly What Tools They Need
supply High Quality Tools
Allow for Training
Training Example
Component 6: Assessment Queries
Component 7: Find Out Exactly What Motivates staff members
1 Size Does Not Fit All
Find Exactly What Motivates Individuals
Find Exactly What Motivates the Team
Tailor Rewards to staff members
Training Example
Component 7: Assessment Queries
Component 8: Tailor Rewards to the worker
Motivation is Personal!
Choose 1-3 Motivators
worker Personal Objectives
Reward Achievements
Training Example
Component 8: Assessment Queries
Component 9: Create Team Incentives
Incentives Foster Teamwork
Team Objectives
Choose 1-3 Motivators
Reward Achievements
Training Example
Component 9: Assessment Queries
Component 10: Implement Incentives
Regular Incentives
Mark Milestones
Encourage Friendly Competition
Keep Value Reasonable
Training Example
Component The: Assessment Queries
Component 11: understand Achievements
Recognition Motivates!
understand Achievements Regularly
understand Achievements Publicly
Document Achievements
Training Example
Concluding Component 11: Assessment Queries
Component 12: Concluding
Wise Mens words
Assessment Of The Parking Area
Key Learnings
Further reading
Evaluations as well as Completion Of activity Plans
Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend
This is a managerial course in sales.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
Cost (incl):