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Quick Look Course Summary:Project 2010 Expert Course
  • Next Public Course Date:

  • Length: 1 day(s)

  • Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT

  • Certification Type: Non-Accredited

  • Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.

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    Project 2010 Expert Course

    Course Introduction

    Our expert course in Project 2010 gives the user a more advanced knowledge of Project and it’s various advanced features. This is a practical course and all materials needed by students will be provided.

    Course Outline

    Project 2010 has been redesigned and the new look is pretty impressive. This workshop will give participants a chance to learn all the advanced tasks of Project 2010. We have our pre workshop review for participants to indicate to the trainer which functions they already know and which they would like to learn about and as usual this is a practical workshop where participants will practice what they learn on computers. Some of the objectives of the workshop are: Customising the ribbon and setting the display and other general options, setting defaults for task types, create and save a template, use existing projects to create new projects, create basic formulas and display a summary task, rearrange tasks, print reports, import and export data, find slack in a schedule and review the differences between planned, scheduled and actual work. We begin with project options and teach participants to customise the user interface and the ribbon. Also under the general and display options are the tabs for calendars and schedules. The currency option can be set here as well, and this is where the user can set proofing, saving and language options.

    It is possible to add a custom group if needed to add a command. Moving along we teach participants how to create templates to capture completed projects for future repeated use. We also examine how to create a project from an existing project. Project 2010 is capable of creating project plans from other file formats such as Excel and we will show participants how to create a plan from a SharePoint and from an Excel workbook. The field in Project 2010 can be customised to include different types of information, including formulas, look up tables and graphical indicators.TIP: To quickly access a specific custom field, right-click its field heading in sheet view, then click Customize Fields. The custom field and its attributes are preselected in the Field list. Note that custom fields containing value lists, indicators and formulas cannot be used in the task usage or resource usage views. In the second half of our workshop we examine tasks and learn how to create milestones, this is where participants learn how to rearrange tasks and cancel them, in other words – fine tune the project. We also show learners how to create recurring tasks.

    In the Essentials workshop participants learned how to identify resource over allocations, in this workshop participants will learn how to remove and replace a resource, as well as some options for solving resource conflicts and how to print a resource report. Participants will also learn about the resources pool and how to import and export resource information to or from other file formats. We end off the workshop with three important modules; the first being using the team planner and the objective here is to customize the way information is shown, second to last we look at managing risks and measuring performance, this is to enable analysis of information and looking for slack in the schedule and lastly, communicating project information to other users using attached documents, hyperlinks and images.

    Course Duration

    1 day/s

    Who should attend

    This course is intended for advanced users of Microsoft Project.

    **Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)

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