Cape Verde Course / Education

Cape Verde Course / Education


Cape Verde Course: BOTI can offer its courses (education) throughout Africa including Angola. Potential areas  (subject to availability) where course or courses / education can be offered include: Boa Vista,etc


Cape Verde course: Affordable –  Training Course / courses that are being offered in Africa  – Project Management, Soft skills, Computer training, excel training, PC training!
Town/ City Soft Skills Example 1 Soft Skills Example 2 IT Skills 1
.CAPE VERDE Assertiveness Skills Communication Strategies Microsoft Access Intermediate Training Course
Boa Vista Asset Management Conducting a Meeting Microsoft Office All-In-One Training Course
Brava Attention Management Conflict Management Microsoft Office Outlook Intermediate  Training Course
Ilha do Sal Basic Bookkeeping Conflict Management & Negotiation Skills Microsoft Office PowerPoint Advance Training Course
Maio Being A Likeable Boss Conflict Resolution Microsoft Office PowerPoint Beginner Training Course
Mindelo Body Language Basics Corporate Governance Training Microsoft Office PowerPointIntermed Training Course
Mosteiros Budgets And Financial Reports Creating a Great Webinar Microsoft Office Windows Server
Palmeira Building and Working in Teams Creative Problem Solving Microsoft Office Word Advanced
Pedra de Lume Business Acumen Critical Thinking Microsoft Office Word Beginners
Porto Grande Business Optimization through Lean Six Sigma Customer Service Microsoft Publisher Beginners Training Course
Porto Inglez Business Protocol & Etiquette Customer Service Excellence Microsoft Publisher PowerPoint Advance Training Course
Porto Novo Business Ethics Data and Records Management Microsoft SharePoint 2010 – End User Level 1 Training Course
Porto Preguica Business Ethics – A Practical Guide Delivering Constructive Criticism Microsoft SharePoint 2010 – End User Level 2 Training Course
Praia Business Etiquette Developing  a Lunch and Learn Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Configuring, Administering & Troubleshooting
Sal Rei Business Succession Planning Developing Corporate Behavior Microsoft SharePoint 2010:Designing a SharePoint Infrastructure Training Course
Santa Maria Business Writing Developing Creativity Microsoft SQL Server 2012 
Santiago Call Center Management Developing New Managers Microsoft SQL Server 2012 
Santo Antao Call Centre and Customer Service Digital Citizenship Microsoft Visio Advanced 
Sao Filipe Call Center Training Diversity Management Microsoft Visio Beginners 
Sao Nicolau Change Management Effective Business Writing and Communication Skills Microsoft Windows 7 Beginners
Sao Vicente Change Management Effective Disciplinary Hearing MicroStation
Tarrafal Civility In The Workplace Effective Sales Training Course MicroStation Training




 Cape Verde Course


Course Education duration and fees

The training course are designed so that the knowledge acquired is applied practically, so that the business environment can be enhanced.

Please consult schedule for course costs or contact BOTI for a quote.

BOTI can send trainers into your specific territory and customize training according to your individual company requirements. 

Please Phone Us Now To Speak to One of Our Friendly Consultants




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