Virtual training pros and cons

There is no doubt that Covid-19 has accelerated the widespread adoption of virtual technologies that fall under the umbrella of the 4th Industrial Revolution.  And, while interacting with the world from behind the scenes yet in front of the screen in your own little bubble where no one can see your fluffy slippers might, at first, seem glamourous and even cute, there is a lot more to achieving seamless virtual interactions than first meets the eye.

Hence, as we embrace the landscape of the ‘new normal’ that has become our ‘new reality’, there is much to consider as we navigate our way towards delivering a seamless, interactive virtual training platform.  This involves continuous improvement of online training tools and maximising virtual technologies.

Elearning has become a necessary resource

Today, virtual training, otherwise known as online learning, digital learning or Elearning, has become a necessary resource and the new way of learning across the world.  Any teaching method has its own set of pros and cons and virtual training is no different. 

At this juncture, it is important to bear in mind that virtual training is a relatively new and evolving process, hence, new and improved technologies will keep growing as we, ourselves, grow and learn in the online space.

What are the advantages of virtual training?

It is efficient

Virtual training offers an efficient method of learning using a variety of tools such as videos, podcasts and PDFs and facilitators can incorporate all of these tools into planning a lecture.  Expanding beyond using traditional textbooks to include online resources enables trainers to become efficient educators.

It is accessible

Since students can attend virtual training classes from any location of their choice, it enables greater reach of more students without the restrictions of geographical limitations.  Virtual lectures can also be recorded and shared for future use, enabling easy convenient access to the material at a later stage. 

It is affordable

Virtual training is indeed more affordable when compared to classroom-based training since costs such as transport, venue hire and catering simply do not form part of this equation and since study materials are available online, this creates a paperless learning environment that also significantly reduces costs as well as being more environmentally-friendly.

It improves attendance

Because online classes can be taken from home or any other location of choice, this significantly improves attendance levels with fewer missed training sessions. 

It accommodates different learning styles

Every individual has their own unique style of learning.  While certain people are visual learners, others are more attuned to audio; and while some of the more extroverted students thrive in the classroom, others are distracted by large groups and prefer learning solo.  Given its wide range of resources and options, online learning can be personalised in many different ways and is possibly the best way to enable the perfect learning environment tailored to individual needs and styles.

What are the disadvantages of virtual training?

Focusing on the screen for long periods of time

One of the greatest challenges for many people is the ability to focus on the computer screen for long periods of time.  There is also a greater likelihood of students being easily distracted by other sites and social media.  It is therefore crucial that facilitators ensure that training sessions are engaging and interactive to help students to stay focused.

When technology fails

One of the most prevalent challenges facing the online training environment is staying connected.  Even though Internet use has significantly increased over the past few years, loss of Internet connectivity and the need for high-speed Internet as a dedicated efficiency in the virtual training environment is not always achievable in remote areas and in South Africa in particular, power interruptions due to unstable power grids and load shedding present an ongoing challenge.  This requires the installation of emergency back-up systems to maintain connectivity.

Feeling isolated

Individuals learn a great deal when they are surrounded by their peers.  Whereas, in an online training session there is minimal physical interaction between training professionals, students, and their peers which often results in a sense of feeling isolated.  To counteract this, other forms of communication need to be encouraged such as emails, video conferencing and online messaging which allow for greater interaction.

Trainers are not always up-to-speed with online technologies

That we have migrated into a whole new world of virtual learning means that training professionals need to be proficient when it comes to using the various forms of digital learning technologies.  This reminds us that everyone is on a learning curve in adopting new technologies, training professionals included. 

What systems do we need to have in place to deliver seamless virtual training?

Now that we have briefly examined some of the clear advantages and disadvantages of virtual training, it is imperative that we ensure that certain systems are in place so as to avoid the common pitfalls and ensure that everyone is on board.


Traditional classroom training offers a physical environment and structure within which individuals can engage in meaningful learning.  And with virtual training this is no different since an efficient and dedicated structure still needs to be in place.  This involves employing the skills of specialists such as meeting planners with good meeting scheduling skills with a support team to seamlessly manage and control the training sessions.  This includes incorporating breakaway sessions as well as ensuring constant engagement and interactive student participation.  The support team will also be responsible for structuring the training with large groups in breaking them down into smaller, more manageable groups.   

Training Materials and LMS (Learning Management System)

With virtual training, the training materials used need to be supported by an effective LMS (Learning Management System).    

Commercial Licensing

When used for commercial purposes, online meeting platforms such as Zoom require a license beyond the usual 40 minutes allowed for a regular session. 

Housekeeping issues

In a classroom setting, housekeeping issues such as keeping attendance registers and filling in feedback forms after a training session are easy to manage, whereas with virtual training, this is a little more fragmented and relies on the competence of the virtual training support team to ensure that all administrative processes are seamlessly carried out.

Virtual training is a virtual necessity. Click here to access BOTI’s Elearning platform and embrace the online classroom.

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