Tipped off your axis? We have the right formulas to help you make friends with your Ex…cel spreadsheets

Anyone who wants to win with Excel needs to get the formulas right without tipping off the axis.  Yet it is true that some of us feel that our spreadsheet skills are spread a little thin when the numbers don’t seem to add up.

You shouldn’t have to wonder Y your X Factor has stopped working

The important thing to bear in mind about Excel and the many brilliant things that it can do is that you can also become brilliant at using it.   Even if you feel that you don’t have the X Factor when it comes to maximising Excel’s broad functionality, stop wondering Y you can’t seem to get it right – there are many ways to solve a problem and formulate an answer.  So, before you tip off your axis stop wondering Y – we will help you get your X Factor back on track.

There are sum things about Excel that you ought to know

With Excel, you can do a number of useful things such as automatically add up a list of invoice amounts, keep a running total of stock, calculate your business expenses over time or solve problems.  And apart from business tasks, you can also keep track of your personal affairs such as household budgets and shopping lists.  But, worse still, without the help of Excel in your life you could find yourself flailing blindly when the numbers just don’t add up.

Don’t be afraid to fly with Excel – here are sum interesting stats to bear in mind

  • It is estimated that 2.5% to 6.5% of people worldwide suffer from aerophobia or what is commonly known as a fear of flying.
  • Research also reveals that an estimated one-third (that is 33.333%) of the industrial world is technophobic (suffering from a fear of technology) to a certain degree.
  • But, the real plus is that the fear of Excel is easier to conquer than the fear of flying and Excel phobia and technophobia at large can be overcome through formal training.

Another 1 bites the dust

No matter who you are, once you tune into the power of Excel you won’t be singing a song of sixpence anymore –  you will become one of those people who can tick the box and confidently say – I’ve got this – another 1 bites the dust.  And even if you don’t get everything right when working 9 to 5, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad – so, don’t give up and don’t give in, with perseverance, anyone can win with Excel.

So, when it comes to figuring out how good you are at using Excel, how do you know where you tally in the score?

To help you calculate your Excel proficiency level, BOTI has devised a free fun quiz that helps you assess and measure your levels of proficiency at using Excel.  With 60 multiple choice questions, this fun quiz tallies the score for you. 

Send us a list of your staff who you think need to be assessed in terms of their Excel skill levels along with their email addresses – even if you are also on the list – and we will send each person a link to the quiz.  Once the quiz has been completed, the results will be sent back via email.   From there, we can recommend the most appropriate Excel course based on the quiz assessment.  Remember, there is safety in numbers and nothing to fear.  Email us at [email protected] and makes friends with your Ex…cel spreadsheets now.

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