Let’s Activate the Power and Potential of Positive Affirmation

Before diving into activating the power and potential of Positive Affirmation, let us begin with a positive mindset as we enter the month of March, and bid a fond farewell to the sweltering summer days while we welcome the cooling effects of the fresh Autumn breeze now creeping in.  In truth, it was only a few weeks ago that we packed up the old year and boldly embraced the start of 2024, with all its inherent possibilities, opportunities, and a whole host of unknown potentials waiting to be explored.  It is at this time that we should take a moment to pause and reflect and take cognisance of what we are attracting into our lives through our thoughts, words, and actions.  This is where we turn towards exploring the innate potential of the power of positive affirmation. 

Decades before mainstream mind power thinkers like John Kehoe began teaching the power of affirmation in healing the mind and body, Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian-American Hindu monk yogi and guru, was captivating audiences throughout India with his teachings on how to directly access and apply the extraordinary healing powers hidden within every human being.  He first introduced this ideology to American audiences in 1924 and throughout the 1930s and 1940s Paramahansa Yogananda regularly opened or concluded his services by taking those present through an affirmation for healing, or for stimulating willpower or devotion or the awareness of the presence of God.  Today, people around the world have benefited from the practice of his techniques involving scientific healing affirmations.

Understanding the Power of Positive Affirmation

To help us understand the power of positive affirmation Paramahansa Yogananda, in his pioneering book, Scientific Healing Affirmations, explained the technique in the following manner:

“Words saturated with sincerity, conviction, faith, and intuition are like highly explosive vibration bombs, which, when set off, shatter the rocks of difficulties and create the change desired.  Sincere words or affirmations repeated understandingly, feelingly, and willingly are sure to move the Omnipresent Cosmic Vibratory Force to render aid in your difficulty.  Appeal to that Power with infinite confidence, casting out all doubt; otherwise, the arrow of your attention will be deflected from its mark.”

Implementing Positive Affirmation techniques

Optimal affirmation practice involves doing it right after waking up or just before bedtime. It is best to sit in a proper meditation posture if you can or else sit comfortably in a chair that supports the back.  Maintain an upright spine, close your eyes, and focus on the medulla oblongata which is the connection between the brainstem and the spinal cord at the back of the neck. Clear your mind of restlessness and worries before you begin.

Choose an Affirmation

Choose an affirmation from the options provided below as recommended by Paramahansa Yogananda and repeat it aloud initially, then softly and gradually slower until your voice becomes a whisper. Transition to mental repetition, focusing on achieving deep, uninterrupted concentration. As you sense a growing peace, intensify your concentration to access the superconscious realm and bring your affirmations to manifestation.  You can also write your own affirmations in line with your specific circumstances.

“I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I
am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.”

“God is within and around me, protecting me; so I will banish the fear that
shuts out His guiding light.”

“I know that God’s power is limitless; and as I am made in His image, I, too,
have the strength to overcome all obstacles.”

“I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through
me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.”

“Thy light of goodness and Thy protective power are ever shining through me. I saw them not, because my eyes of wisdom were closed. Now Thy touch of peace has opened my eyes; Thy goodness and unfailing protection are flowing through me.”

“My Heavenly Father, Thou art Love, and I am made in Thine image. I am the cosmic sphere of Love in which I behold all planets, all stars, all beings, all creation as glimmering lights. I am the Love that illumines the whole universe.”

“I will help weeping ones to smile, by smiling myself,
even when it is difficult.”

“I will radiate love and goodwill to others, that I may open
a channel for God’s love to come to all.”

Tips for effective Affirmations

In his book, Scientific Healing Affirmations, Paramahansa Yogananda also guides us in terms of how to effectively use affirmations in the following ways:

“After you have sown in the soil of Cosmic Consciousness your vibratory prayer-seed, do not pluck it out frequently to see whether or not it has germinated. Give the divine forces a chance to work uninterruptedly.”

“As one uses different affirmations, his attitude of mind should change; for example, will affirmations should be accompanied by strong determination; feeling affirmations by devotion; reason affirmations by clear understanding. When healing others, select an affirmation that is suitable to the conative, imaginative, emotional, or thoughtful temperament of your patient. In all affirmations intensity of attention comes first, but continuity and repetition mean a great deal, too. Impregnate your affirmations with devotion, will, and faith, intensely and repeatedly, unmindful of the results, which will come naturally as the fruit of your labours.”

Let’s harness the strength of positive affirmations in action

Paramahansa Yogananda unveils the concealed principles for tapping into the potential of focused thought, not just for physical healing but also for conquering challenges and achieving overall success. He offers meticulous guidance and a diverse range of affirmations covering areas such as body healing, confidence building, wisdom awakening, breaking bad habits, and more.

The behaviour of Social Media Algorithms – A modern analogy of an Ancient Practice

To bring us up to speed with the modern era, let’s take a look at the behaviour of algorithms used throughout social media platforms such as Facebook and Tik Tok.  The behaviour of these algorithms illustrates an example of how we manifest our intentions.  Since, whatever we watch or read on Facebook or TikTok, the algorithms send back more of the same content – therefore, whatever affirmations and thoughts we put into the Universe – the Universe returns with the same content, just like the algorithms do… Hence, we must use positive affirmations in our ‘search’ for the content of our lives that we want to manifest.

A final ‘word’

Essentially, activating the potential of the power of positive affirmation is about using the ‘word’ to effectively manifest our best intentions.  So, as a final word as it were, let us at this point bear in mind that God created all things with the ‘word’.

Reference Sources: yssofindia.org

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