Learn how to control workplace stress levels before they control you

While we all experience stress in our daily working lives, the stresses we face are not strictly confined to the workplace.  In South Africa specifically, recent higher stages of load shedding, petrol price hikes and general economic uncertainty all spill over into the general workplace stresses we encounter on a daily basis.  It is also time for us to realise that stress can cost companies billions of rands every year since it leads to higher levels of absenteeism, lower levels of motivation and higher medical aid claims.  Yet, there are a number of creative ways employers can implement to help employees reduce and manage stress in the workplace.  Here are some of the situations that need to be considered when seeking to help employees reduce stress.

Employees need to fully grasp how fulfilling their roles contributes to the overall success of the business

When employees fully grasp how their own roles fit into the overall scheme of things and how fulfilling their roles contributes to company goals, they will be more likely to engage and develop a sense of purpose.  This leads to a greater feeling of control over work duties and responsibilities which can help reduce stress. 

Understanding company vision

Employees who understand the company’s vision can clearly see how their efforts contribute towards the bigger picture and thus, it is easier for them to focus on achieving company goals.  Working towards a share vision gives work a higher meaning, improves job performance and helps employees manage stress.

Understanding company leadership structure

There is no doubt that a lack of understanding of the leadership structure within the company leads to stress.  When employees understand the company’s leadership structure there is less conflict which boosts productivity and employee morale.

The importance of job feedback from leadership

If employees receive no feedback regarding their performance in their specific roles, even when they are performing well, it can be that much more difficult for them to manage stress.  Leaders who communicate in an encouraging manner are more likely to make employees feel more comfortable and reassured.  In this way, employees are more likely to feel more confident when communicating with leadership, especially during difficult and challenging times.

The importance of understanding job responsibilities

When job expectations are unclear or confusing, this can lead to greater stress.  Conversely, when employees fully understand their job responsibilities they will feel that much calmer and hence perform better. 

Workloads need to be manageable and reasonable

Too many hours of consistent and demanding work will inevitably wear people down and lead to exhaustion.  Everyone therefore needs time out from work in order to rest, recharge the proverbial batteries and take care of other duties outside of the workplace.  A work-life balance helps to maintain physical and emotional health, reduce stress and improve productivity.  It is just not possible for people to perform well for long periods of time when faced with a heavy workload.  Working in this way leads to exhaustion, irritability, reduced productivity and ultimately results in illness and injury.

Taking regular breaks should be encouraged to help reduce stress

Taking regular breaks at regular intervals throughout the day can help employees work more effectively since they will have the opportunity to recharge and refocus and hence stress levels can be reduced.

Assignments and projects should be challenging but not overwhelming

Employees need to be challenged but not overloaded.  Challenging tasks help employees to develop their skills, make the work they do interesting and keep them motivated, but, overwhelming assignments and projects can lead to higher stress levels and demotivate employees.

Lack of work flexibility leads to workplace stress

High-stress assignments, projects and tasks are unavoidable in any work situation.  Yet, consistently performing at this rate without relief or variation can wear employees down to the point of complete exhaustion, leading to higher stress levels and debilitating health conditions.

Employees need to be trained and upskilled in order to do their jobs well

Another cause of stress is the disparity between an individual’s skills and capabilities and the requirements of the job they have been hired to do.  This problem can be solved with the right training and education.  A skilled and properly trained employee will have greater confidence and hence will perform better and manage stress levels more effectively.

Monitoring the signs of stress in the workplace

Workplace stress and the health of employees have a direct impact on the overall productivity of the company.  Work-related stress can manifest itself through various physical and physiological symptoms.  Here are some of the signs and symptoms to watch out for:

  • Regular absenteeism and a higher rate of illness
  • Low levels of productivity coupled with feelings of underachievement
  • Defensive and cynical behaviour
  • Nervousness and feeling ‘on edge’
  • Inability to ‘switch off’ from work problems when not at work
  • Low levels of motivation
  • Consistent headaches
  • Insomnia leading to feelings of tiredness
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Consuming too much caffeine, alcohol or drugs

It is vitally important to watch for these stress-related symptoms so that employees can receive the help they need to reduce stress in the workplace and employers can implement solutions to improve workplace wellness. 

Reference sources: www.wellsteps.com

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