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Quick Look Course Summary:Supervising Others Course
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Length: 1 day(s)
Price (at your venue): 1 Person R 4,810.63 EX VAT 3 Person R 3,653.99 EX VAT 10 Person R 2,719.12 EX VAT
Certification Type: Non-Accredited
Locations & Venues: Off-site or in-house. We train in all major city centres throughout South Africa.
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Supervising Others Course: Introduction
In our supervising others workshop, we aim to teach supervisors time management and team management. Add to this prioritising and delegation and you will be well on your way to being a good supervisor. We go one or two steps further, because we recognise excellence in our participants and want them to be the best at whatever career they choose. In this workshop we will also focus on setting goals and expectations, for yourself as well as your team, as well as feedback and resolving conflict.
Supervising Others Course :Course Outline
When supervising others your first priority must be setting requirements for your employees. They need to know what is expected of them to succeed. Your first task is to define the requirements of a specific task or a specific job. Develop criteria and then review it with the employee for their input. The next priority is encouraging employees to try new skills and provide them with the support they need. An action plan that gradually increases tasks and responsibilities is one way to accomplish this. As we have previously maintained; goal setting is the most important skill anyone can learn. However only about 3% of people set goals for themselves. There are many methods to help people set goals such the SMART method and the Three Ps which have both been discussed in previous newsletters. Another type of goal setting the cascade method, basically its a method that works from the top down. Executives set their goals first and then these goals filter down through the company, this ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Deciding what tasks to designate is as important as how you allocate tasks to employees. Letting the employee have a say in what tasks they perform and how they perform them increases job satisfaction and performance. There are three types of delegation: the dictatorial approach should be used when tasks are short and urgent as this approach means the least work satisfaction to the employee. The apple picking approach gives employees more freedom in choosing their tasks although it does not emphasise collaboration or problem solving. The collaborative approach is used when team members meet to decide who will complete which task, this approach allows the most freedom in task assigning and the most job satisfaction for employees. There are also levels of delegation to consider, at level one is complete supervision, it allows the least freedom for employees but the most control for the person in charge. Level two is partial supervision; this level is a good balance between employee freedom and supervisory control. Level three is complete freedom and it is towards this level that supervisors should always be moving towards. Supervisors and managers should also know how to manage their own time effectively, in the workshop presented by us, we focus on the 80/20 principle and the urgent/important matrix to teach managers to use their own time more effectively. Another tool for managers is keeping a productivity journal. We wrap our workshop up with a module on resolving conflict and how to maintain fairness.TIP: Each situation supervisors find themselves in require skills for success. Some skills needed in most situations are communication, leadership, feedback, time management and team building.
Key outcomes of the course include:
BOTIs Program Outline
Component 1: Starting Out
Activities to break the ice
Housekeeping matters and administration
The Parking Area
program Objectives
Component 2: Setting Expectations
Defining the Requirements
Identifying Opportunities for Improvement as well as Growth
Setting Verbal Expectations
Putting Expectations in Writing
Component 3: Setting Objectives
Comprehending Cascading Objectives
Helping Others Set Objectives
Component 4: Assigning Work
General Principles
The Dictatorial Approach
The Apple-Picking Approach
The Collaborative Approach
Component 5: Degrees of Delegation
Level 1: Complete Supervision
Level 2: Partial Supervision
Level 3: Complete Independence
Component 6: Implementing Delegation
Deciding to Delegate
To Whom Should You Delegate?
Providing Instructions
Monitoring the Results
Troubleshooting Delegation
Component 7: Providing suggestions
Characteristics of Good suggestions
suggestions Delivery Tools
Informal suggestions
Formal suggestions
Component 8: Controlling your time as well as effort
The 80/20 Rule
Prioritizing with the Urgent-essential Matrix
Utilizing a Productivity Journal
Utilizing Routines as well as Rituals to Simplify Your Workday
Component 9: Resolving Conflict
Utilizing a Conflict Resolution Process
Maintaining Fairness
Seeking Help from Within the Team
Seeking Help from Outside the Team
Component 10: Tips for Special Circumstances
Exactly What to-do If Youve Been Promoted from within the Team
Exactly What to-do If Youre Leading a Brand brand new Team
Exactly What to-do if Youre Taking on an Established Team
Component 11: A Survival Guide for the brand new Supervisor
Ask the Right Queries of the Right individuals
Go to Gemba
Keep Learning!
Component 12: Concluding
Wise Mens words
Assessment of Parking Area
Key Learnings
Evaluations as well as Completion Of activity Plans
Supervising Others Course: Course Duration
1 day/s
Who should attend: Supervising Others Course
Managerial course for new and experienced managers.
**Quote does not include Any Exam Fees (if applicable)
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Duration: 1 day(s)
Delegates: 1
Cost (incl):